viernes, 16 de enero de 2015

Supplement Spot (Lifestyle)

Supplement Spot 5.1.1

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Lifestyle

Price: Free, Version: 5.1.1 (iTunes)


Welcome to Supplement Spot

Supplement Spot is enjoying its fifth year under new ownership. The new Supplement Spot team has been working tirelessly to better serve you. We’ve made big improvements, like updating our website features and functionality, introducing new products, and investing in the infrastructure necessary to deliver the products you have come to love - fast. If you are not a web surfer and prefer to talk to a human being, feel free to call us at 866-285-1998. We’ll take care of you.

Live Long and Love Life!

Having this simple yet powerful motto clarifies why we are in business and helps us stay on course for doing what’s best for our customers. People who shop on do so because they enjoy life and want to live it longer and healthier. We sleep well at night knowing that we have contributed to the prosperity of thousands of lives.

Why Choose Supplement Spot?

Supplement Spot provides cutting-edge natural health products and treatments with emphasis on supportive clinical studies. We evaluate all of our supplement and cream manufacturers using a rigorous review process that includes on-site tours, auditing of their GMP compliance processes, cataloging of product Certificates of Analysis, and requiring disclosure of raw material sources. We do not look for the cheapest or most expensive products, but the best quality for the best price. This is why Supplement Spot warrants that ours are the best vitamins, supplements, and cosmetics available for the price.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!

We understand that ordering products online and sight unseen can make a person feel a bit uneasy. That is why we put a 30 day guarantee on all our products. In the first 30 days if you are not satisfied with the product you ordered, return it and we will refund you in full for the purchase price of the product. No questions will be asked and no explanation will be required. Customer satisfaction is paramount and we refuse to have it any other way.

We would like to thank you for visiting Supplement Spot and we hope you will recommend us to friends, family and colleagues. Happy Shopping.


Casey H. Borgers, President

Supplement Spot

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Dress in Chinese Photo Frames FREE (Photography)

Dress in Chinese Photo Frames FREE 1.0

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Photography

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


For this coming Chinese New Year, dress yourself with Chinese traditional dress, known as Cheongsam. Beautify your photo using Dress In Chinese Photo Montage.

With Dress In Chinese Photo Montage, there are various cheongsam style to choose from traditional to modern ones. See how you would look like in those fabulous Chinese dresses. And who knows, if you like it, you can even have them tailor made.

Take your photo using Dress In Chinese Photo Montage now and share them with your family and friends via social media like Facebook or even email. You can even send them as e-cards as well.

Download Dress in Chinese Photo Montage and choose your favorite cheongsam now!



Tap "+" icon top right > your screen is fitted with Frame.

Slide left/right to choose your desired frame, then snap the photo.



Tap "CAMERA ICON" on top > select camera or photos

Tap MASK at bottom > select "choose“

Adjust the size > SEND (save in gallery or share)


Beautiful Chinese dresses from traditional to modern to choose from.

Add fun to your photo using festive themed stickers.

Available photo effects like gray, sepia, etc.

Cherry blossom quotes.

Simple puzzle game with 3 levels to keep you entertain.

Dress in Chinese Photo Frames FREE

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

中国房产产业网 (Business)

中国房产产业网 5.3.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: 5.3.0 (iTunes)




By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

AAA Asphalt Burning High Octane Racing Slots (Games)

AAA Asphalt Burning High Octane Racing Slots 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


+++ Nitro Fueled Slots For Your iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus and iPad +++

Get you motor running! It’s time for some car racing slots action. Get ready for Vegas style slots action with beautiful HD graphics. Several different bonus rounds are available including Spin Bonus, Pick a Chest Bonus and Pick a Multiplier. These bonus rounds produce big jackpots and add to the overall enjoyment of the game. Challenge friends on the Game Center leaderboard. Play these exciting versions of popular Las vegas style slot games.

Game Features:

- 9 Fun Slots Themes

- Play 5 reels and 30 lines

- 3 Exciting themes with HD graphics

- Game Center support to challenge friends

- 3 thrilling Bonus rounds

- Free daily Bonuses just for playing

3 Bonus Rounds

- Spin Bonus - Spin the wheel for big wins

- Pick the Chest Bonus - Choose the treasure chest that contains the gold and you get to keep it

- Pick a Multiplier - Multiply your win by up to 10X

Stop by and say hello or check out our other games:



AAA Asphalt Burning High Octane Racing Slots

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

riechbar24 (Lifestyle)

riechbar24 5.1.1

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Lifestyle

Price: Free, Version: 5.1.1 (iTunes)


Raumdüfte erleben mit Duftlampen von Riechbar24

Unsere Duftlampen sorgen mit ihren angenehmen Raumdüften für Wohlbefinden und eine schöne Wellness Atmosphäre. Die ätherischen Duftöle entfalten dabei ein wohltuende Aromen, die nicht nur die Sinne beleben, sondern auch jeden Raum ein Stück wohnlicher machen. Raumduft von Riechbar24 – Für ein wohliges Zuhause


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宠物达人-爱狗手册 (Reference)

宠物达人-爱狗手册 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Reference

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)









By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Varmt arbejde (Business)

Varmt arbejde 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Varmt arbejde app'en benyttes til fotodokumentation og styring af processer og arbejdsflows ved tag-arbejder.

Erklæringen om at reglerne for udførsel af varmt arbejde overholdes kan godkendes via APP’en. Der kan foretages fotodokumentation fra arbejdsstedet via app'en.

Både app'en og den tilhørende webadgang benytter personligt login, så det dokumenteres hvem der foretager fotodokumentation, og hvem der godkender erklæringen om reglerne for udførsel af varmt arbejde.

Varmt arbejde

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

True Courage الشجاعة الحقيقية (Education)

True Courage الشجاعة الحقيقية 1.0

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Education

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Fares and his friend decided to help the old man. They went together to the oracle’s mountain. Despite the steep path they climbed to the top where they found the wide mouth of a cave. The big man called out, “Is there anyone there?” They heard a dog barking, and then a voice said, “Come in.”

قرر فارسٌ وصديقه مساعدة الشيخ؛ فذهب الجميع إلى الجبل الذي يقطنه العراف, تسلقوا إلى القمة رغم وعورة الطريق؛ فوجدوا باب مغارة ٍ كبير, نادى الرجل الضخم: هل من أحد ٍ في الداخل؟.. سمعوا نباح كلبٍ.. ثم جاءهم صوت من الداخل: ادخل.

True Courage الشجاعة الحقيقية

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Steinchenspiel (Games)

Steinchenspiel 1.0

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Die App "Steinchenspiel" ist perfekt für alle, die das Steinchenspiel lieben, es aber nicht mögen, das schwere Spiel selbst mit herumschleppen zu müssen. "Steinchenspiel" macht alles, was das Original auch macht und noch einiges mehr wie beispielsweise einen Indikator, welcher Spieler an der Reihe ist.


By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Alden Satélite (Catalogs)

Alden Satélite 1.0.2

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Catalogs

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.2 (iTunes)


La aplicación Alden Satélite incluye las siguientes funciones:

Realizar tu cita de servicio.

Agendar una prueba de manejo.

Conocer las especificaciones de nuestros autos.

Promociones exclusivas

La aplicación Alden Satélite es gratuita.

Le agradecemos su interés por la aplicación.

Alden Satélite

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Retry Missile (Games)

Retry Missile 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Naughty missile ready to fire! Very easy to play, but it's hard away from your ipad! As long as the click of a screen to control the missiles don't let missiles to fall. From all over the world the highest score and challenges your friends on the game center and other players. Warning, the game is very addictive and ridiculous fun! Yeah!

Retry Missile

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS (Lifestyle) 5.0.4

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Lifestyle

Price: Free, Version: 5.0.4 (iTunes)


Marka działa na europejskim rynku od 2003 roku. Od dłuższego czasu jest zaliczana do czołowych polskich sklepów internetowych zajmujących się sprzedażą materiałów i artykułów hobbystycznych z zakresu twórczości kreatywnej, rękodzieła i szerokiej gamy technik zdobniczych.

Dzięki ciągle poszerzanej ofercie jesteśmy w stanie sprostać stale rosnącym oczekiwaniom naszych klientów. Nasi pracownicy to osoby związane z branżą od wielu lat, nieustannie biorące udział w targach, szkoleniach i prezentacjach największych światowych i krajowych producentów i dystrybutorów. Naszą znajomość branży, produktów oraz różnych technik zdobniczych staramy się stale przedkładać na fachowe doradztwo i obsługę klienta. oferuje Państwu ponad 9000 różnych artykułów pogrupowanych w kilkunastu głównych kategoriach tematycznych. Szeroki, stale rosnący asortyment oraz różnorodność i indywidualność oferty na tle konkurencji sprawiło, że zaufało nam już ponad osiemnaście tysięcy klientów. W roku 2012 miesięcznie średnio realizowaliśmy ponad 1500 zamówień.

Naszą ofertę kierujemy zarówno do klienta detalicznego, instytucjonalnego jak i hurtowego; wszystkich tych, którym zależy nie tylko na szerokiej gamie towarów dostępnych w konkurencyjnych cenach ale i na profesjonalnej obsłudze oraz wygodnych i bezpiecznych zakupach bez wychodzenia z domu.

Staramy się zagwarantować naszym klientom również wsparcie posprzedażowe, stale prowadzimy kursy i szkolenia z wykorzystaniem różnych technik zdobienia. Jesteśmy aktywni na portalu społecznościowym Prowadzimy dział inspiracji, gdzie pokazujemy najciekawsze pomysły prac wraz z krokami ich wykonania. Na sklepowym blogu z kolei dzielimy się spostrzeżeniami, pomysłami i doświadczeniem z naszymi klientami. Jesteśmy dla Was !

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

KUMPL (Social Networking)

KUMPL 1.1.2

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Social Networking

Price: Free, Version: 1.1.2 (iTunes)


KUMPL is the best way to meet up with your friends and meet new Friends of Friends. A friend booking system that allows you to select a city and time slot, choose your friend(s) or Friend of Friend and book them for a Meet-up in 20 seconds flat! The perfect App to see more of your friends within your busy schedule and meet new friends in your hometown or when traveling abroad.


By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Wakatoon (Entertainment)

Wakatoon 1.2

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Entertainment

Price: Free, Version: 1.2 (iTunes)


L'application Wakatoon permet aux petits et aux grands de créer très simplement leurs dessins animés personnalisés, en coloriant des dessins sur papier, avec des crayons ordinaires.

Comment ça marche ?

1 - Je colorie un dessin avec mes crayons de couleurs et feutres traditionnels

2 - Je prends mon oeuvre en photo avec l'appli Wakatoon

3 - Magique! Mon coloriage s'anime à l'écran

Wakatoon fonctionne uniquement avec certains dessins spécifiques. Pour l'instant, le seul album de coloriage compatible est le Cahier de Dessin Animé. Il est disponible chez votre libraire habituel à partir du 29 janvier ou via

Wakatoon et le Cahier de Dessin Animé ont pu voir le jour grâce à une campagne de crowdfunding menée sur KissKissBankBank: merci à nos 1575 contributeurs et aux 2400 petits et grands qui ont pu le tester en avant-première.

Ceci est la toute première version de l'application; nous sommes à votre écoute pour l'améliorer. N'hésitez-pas une seconde à nous écrire à


By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Tidaholms Bostads TF (Productivity)

Tidaholms Bostads TF 3.52.3

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Productivity

Price: Free, Version: 3.52.3 (iTunes)


Verktyg för en kostnadseffektiv skötsel av fastighetsbeståndet. Med Vitec Teknisk Förvaltning skapar man en plan som möter fastigheternas behov av underhåll. Kostnader för underhålls- och driftsarbeten minskas genom att man planerar och stämmer av mot faktiska kostnader.

Appen hanterar arbetsorder, besiktningar, mätaravläsningar, rondering och kontroller.

Mer information finns här:

Tidaholms Bostads TF

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Best Western Plus Searcy Inn (Travel)

Best Western Plus Searcy Inn 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Travel

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


The BEST WESTERN PLUS Searcy Inn located in the heart of Searcy, Arkansas is the perfect place to stay when passing through town or visiting the area. Close to local rodeos, fairs and exciting sporting events, there's no other hotel quite like the BEST WESTERN PLUS Searcy Inn.

Guests traveling on business to the BEST WESTERN PLUS Searcy Inn will love the close proximity to Baker Hughes, Union Drilling, Red River, the Walmart® Distribution center and more, including local oil and gas companies, industrial parks and other local corporations.

Book a stay today at Hotel in Searcy Arkansas, and be sure to ask about our special AAA and AARP rates. Our friendly, warm staff is standing by to make your BEST WESTERN PLUS Searcy Inn stay is everything you're looking for in a Searcy.

Best Western Plus Searcy Inn

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Récifs en folie (Reference)

Récifs en folie 1.0

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Reference

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


En 2007, des récifs artificiels ont été immergés dans la rade de Marseille. Ceux-ci sont situés en face du Prado à 25 mètres de profondeur et couvrent une zone de 110 hectares soit 27 610 m3. Ils sont constitués de 724 blocs de bétons regroupés en 6 villages d’une cinquantaine de modules.

Si vous voulez tout savoir sur ces récifs et d’autres dans le monde, cette application est faite pour vous !

Saurez vous répondre aux questions de notre QUIZZ?

Plusieurs thèmes y seront abordés :

* L’implantation géographique

* La mise en place des blocs de béton

* La règlementation en vigueur sur le site

* L’évolution de la biodiversité

* La faune et la flore qui vont s’y implanter

* L’impact des récifs sur la pollution

* Les études scientifiques menées

* Les enquêtes et les enjeux économiques

* Et les autres récifs implantés dans le monde

Nous tenons à remercier tous les professeurs qui nous ont aidés pour ce projet ainsi que toutes les personnes qui aux cours des différentes visites scolaires, nous ont permis de construire cette application.

Récifs en folie

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Calvary Tucson: Robert Furrow (Lifestyle)

Calvary Tucson: Robert Furrow 3.24.3

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Lifestyle

Price: Free, Version: 3.24.3 (iTunes)


Welcome to the Calvary Tucson: Robert Furrow app!

Here you can find teaching throughout the Bible, by Robert Furrow, the Pastor of Calvary Chapel Tucson. You can also find information about upcoming events at Calvary Chapel Tucson, as well as access Robert Furrow's personal blog, along with the blogs of others Calvary Tucson Leaders.

You can also watch with us Live through this app during our weekend and Wednesday night services.

After you’ve downloaded and experienced this content, you can share it with your friends via Twitter, Facebook, or email.

We hope you enjoy and grow closer to God through the these teachings through His word.

For more information about Robert Furrow, and Calvary Chapel Tucson, please visit:

The Robert Furrow app was developed with the Subsplash App Platform.

Calvary Tucson: Robert Furrow

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Paroloni (Education)

Paroloni 1.5.1

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Education

Price: Free, Version: 1.5.1 (iTunes)


Each day a new Parolone, show friends your elevated language.

The calendar of words at hand.

◆ Because who knows can impress

More words you know, the more chances you have to express yourself and to impress.

Paroloni... to never run out of words.

◆ 365 Paroloni to learn

Paroloni every day offers you a new word with its definition, synonyms and antonyms. Enrich your vocabulary and increase your culture while having fun.

◆ Definition, synonyms and antonyms

For each Parolone you have definition, synonyms and antonyms, in order to understand the full meaning. Now the word of the day is part of your vocabulary.

◆ Share your knowledge

Show your elevated language. Learn the Parolone of the day and test yourself by writing a sentence, then share it with friends on Facebook, Twitter or by message.

What's New

• New calendar in English!


By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Burnley Football Alarm — News, live commentary, standings and more for your team! (Sports)

Burnley Football Alarm — News, live commentary, standings and more for your team! 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Sports

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Do you watch every match which Burnley FC play? Never miss them in action. This app will remind you when they play!

This is the best app for all the latest news, transfer rumours, fixtures, results, live scores, and more straight to your phone. A must have for all Burnley FC fans!


* Never miss your team in action.

* This app reminds you when the match starts

* Get all the latest news about your team

* Countdown timer shows you the time left for the match to begin

* See how your team is doing via standings table

* No mental gymnastics required. It shows the match time in your local timezone

* Get live match updates via twitter

* Share it via Facebook, Twitter or any social network

Difference between the PRO and Free version:

• Pro version doesn't have ads

• It has a settings panel to turn off the audio

• Set custom alarm delay

Burnley Football Alarm — News, live commentary, standings and more for your team!

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Green Gorilla Apps (Business)

Green Gorilla Apps 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


GGA are software developers for web and mobile applications. We design, validate and build brilliant digital products for entrepreneurs and complex organisations.

Due to popular demand we've created this app to present our monthly newsletter, TRIBE to a whole new audience.

We'll also be using it to push out our weekly web roundup, Prime8, as well as regular blogs, offers and all-round techy stuff.

Download it now to keep upto date with some of the most entertaining output from the world of web, mobile and software development!

Green Gorilla Apps

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Gør Det Selv: Lær det af fagmanden (Education)

Gør Det Selv: Lær det af fagmanden 1.0.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Education

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.0 (iTunes)


Det ser legende let ud, når tømreren bruger sin overfræser, eller brolæggeren får stenene til at ligge helt lige. Med Gør Det Selvs kursus-app lærer du i fem grundige lektioner teknikkerne helt fra grunden. Det hele er samlet og lige til at tage med ud i værkstedet på en tablet.

Gør Det Selv: Lær det af fagmanden

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

¡Notengotele! - Los vídeos más divertidos de humor, curiosidades y actualidad (Entertainment)

¡Notengotele! - Los vídeos más divertidos de humor, curiosidades y actualidad 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Entertainment

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


¡Notengotele! es la aplicación no oficial de uno los sitios más visitados en España donde podremos encontrar los mejores vídeos de la red juntados en una pequeña aplicación donde la navegación es tan sencilla como deslizar el dedo a cualquiera de los lados para poder así pasar al siguiente vídeo.

Los vídeos presentados en esta aplicación son extraídos del sitio web y se mantienen siempre actualizados gracias a las constantes aportaciones de los usuarios.

¿A qué esperas? descarga ya la aplicación, relájate en tu sofa preferido y disfruta de los fantásticos videos que te traemos!!!

¡Notengotele! - Los vídeos más divertidos de humor, curiosidades y actualidad

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

LOL Truyền Kỳ (Games)

LOL Truyền Kỳ 1.0.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.0 (iTunes)


LoL Truyền Kỳ - Game LMHT "Combat" đích thực trên Smartphone

Mang vinh dự nối tiếp sứ mệnh dang dở của tượng đài game LMHT tại Việt Nam, LoL Truyền Kỳ tự hào là game Combat đích thực trên smartphone, tạo được trào lưu chơi game LMHT Mobile đầy mới mẻ đối với cộng đồng game thủ Việt.

“ LoL sở hữu mảng đồ họa thân thuộc, dễ chơi, dễ mê và phù hợp với cả smartphone cấu hình thấp thấp nhất” – Game thủ La Thị Bải.

League of Legends “chính chủ” trên Mobile, tại sao không?

“Vẫn là những mẫu tướng quen thuộc, cốt truyện sâu sắc và hệ thống skill không lẫn vào đâu được, nếu có khác là ta được chơi LoL Truyền Kỳ theo một phong cách hoàn toàn mới mà thôi. Riêng điều đó cũng đã đủ để thuyết phục và cuốn hút một fanboy của LoL như mình”. – game thủ Javid Trần.

Một game LMHT Mobile rất đáng để chơi!

Đối với thị trường game mobile tại Việt Nam vài năm trở lại đây, sự xuất hiện dần dà của những game mobile ăn theo thương hiệu League of Legends vẫn đang khiến phần đông cộng đồng game thủ phải tò mò. Và khi phải hụt hẫng trước một số LoL Mobile phiên bản clone kém chất lượng, nhưng khi LoL Truyền Kỳ ra mắt, đó chính là thời khắc game thủ Việt được thưởng thức một bản LMHT Mobile theo phong cách hoàn toàn mới.

Trải nghiệm ngay LoL Truyền Kỳ - Game LMHT "Combat" đích thực trên Smartphone!


- Đấu trường combat chiến thuật đặc sắc

- Trấn áp Teemo thu thập hồn tướng

- Phụ bản Jungle cho tướng đi rừng farm tiền và trang bị

- Tính năng tinh luyện trang bị nâng cấp Huyết Kiếm

- Thu thập hồn tướng nâng cấp kỹ năng

- Đột phá băng vương, tiêu diệt Lissandra


− Iphone: 4, 4S, 5, 5S, 6, 6+ 

− Ipod: Ipod Touch

− Ipad: Ipad 1, Ipad 2, Ipad 3, Ipad 4, Ipad mini 1, Ipad mini 2, Ipad Air

− Version: Ios 5.1 trở lên.


Trang chủ:


Email hỗ trợ:

Số điện thoại CSKH: 19006639_nhánh 2 / hỗ trợ quốc tế: 84 - - 39743410 (ext 156)

LOL Truyền Kỳ

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

TENDERLY (Entertainment)


Device: iOS Universal

Category: Entertainment

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.1 (iTunes)





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