miércoles, 18 de junio de 2014

激ムズダンジョン100 (Games)

激ムズダンジョン100 1.0.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.0 (iTunes)














By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1oE6VOz

Paper Escape Free (Games)

Paper Escape Free 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Paper Escape is an arcade-style game in which you have to control your plane and dodge the enemy projectiles and guide them back to their original source – your enemies.

Put on your helmet and bring your best evasive maneuvers to the table. You will need to be quick and decisive in order to survive the myriad of assaults your various enemies have prepared for you. Collect power-ups to ease your path as you go through 30 exciting and fast-paced levels. But be careful! Not all power-ups are beneficial.

Choose from two game modes: campaign and survival, and see if you have what it takes to go head to head against increasingly vicious and tenacious enemies. We hope you have a good flight and a good time!

What's New:

- Fast and engaging gameplay

- Choose between campaign or survival mode

- 30 levels and 3 difficulty sections

- Checkpoint autosave

- Record and share with Everyplay

Show some love; support and share:

Facebook: http://ift.tt/1n8VnBX

Twitter: http://ift.tt/1n8VnBZ

Site: http://ift.tt/1n8VnC1

Youtube: http://ift.tt/1lTZiPq

Paper Escape Free

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1oE6VxR

EME (Business)

EME 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


The Enterprise Mobility Exchange will bring together 80 C-Suite, VPs and Directors of Mobile Workforce, Field Service, IT, Fleet Management, Architecture and Operations from Fortune500 and Global500 organizations to discuss:

• Setting effective enterprise wide strategies and policies that incorporate mobile technologies

• Enhancing the user experience through purpose built applications

• Developing multi channel applications and APIs

• Managing IT and infrastructure security threats across your organization

• Leveraging cloud technology and Platform as a Service (PaaS) in the Enterprise

• Engaging your employees through corporate applications

• Overcoming the challenges of new technology integration

The purpose of the app is to provide attendees with information about the event, eg agenda, speaker biographies and details of sponsors, as well as to provide a tool to assist with networking opportunities in the run up to, whilst on site, and post event.


By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1oE6V0M

Paper Escape For Kids (Games)

Paper Escape For Kids 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Paper Escape is an arcade-style game in which you have to control your plane and dodge the enemy projectiles and guide them back to their original source – your enemies.

Put on your helmet and bring your best evasive maneuvers to the table. You will need to be quick and decisive in order to survive the myriad of assaults your various enemies have prepared for you. Collect power-ups to ease your path as you go through 30 exciting and fast-paced levels. But be careful! Not all power-ups are beneficial.

Choose from two game modes: campaign and survival, and see if you have what it takes to go head to head against increasingly vicious and tenacious enemies. We hope you have a good flight and a good time!

What's New:

- Fast and engaging gameplay

- Choose between campaign or survival mode

- 30 levels and 3 difficulty sections

- Checkpoint autosave

- Record and share with Everyplay

Show some love; support and share:

Facebook: http://ift.tt/1n8VnBX

Twitter: http://ift.tt/1n8VnBZ

Site: http://ift.tt/1n8VnC1

Youtube: http://ift.tt/1lTZiPq

Paper Escape For Kids

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1oE6SCi

Jetty Adventures For Kids (Games)

Jetty Adventures For Kids 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Test your quickness, skill and strategic thinking in this fast-paced arcade-style game.

You will take control of your paper plane, as you try to avoid enemy projectiles and guide them right back at them. The projectiles will follow you constantly, so you will have to develop the best evasive maneuvers that you can. Be quick and don;t hesitate to make good use of the power-ups along the way. But be weary! Not all power-ups will help you in your mission to destroy all those mean enemies. Your plane is impervious to collisions, so you won't have to worry about flying through your enemies.

Make your way through 30 exciting levels in campaign mode or try to survive for as long as you can against infinite waves of enemies. Whichever game mode you choose, the fun is guaranteed! We wish you a good flight and a good fight!

What's New:

- Fast and engaging gameplay

- Choose between campaign or survival mode

- 30 levels and 3 difficulty sections

- Checkpoint autosave

- Record and share with Everyplay

Show some love; support and share:

Facebook: http://ift.tt/1n8VnBX

Twitter: http://ift.tt/1n8VnBZ

Site: http://ift.tt/1n8VnC1

Youtube: http://ift.tt/1lTZiPq

Jetty Adventures For Kids

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1nj4rQ4

Jetty Adventures Free (Games)

Jetty Adventures Free 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Test your quickness, skill and strategic thinking in this fast-paced arcade-style game.

You will take control of your paper plane, as you try to avoid enemy projectiles and guide them right back at them. The projectiles will follow you constantly, so you will have to develop the best evasive maneuvers that you can. Be quick and don;t hesitate to make good use of the power-ups along the way. But be weary! Not all power-ups will help you in your mission to destroy all those mean enemies. Your plane is impervious to collisions, so you won't have to worry about flying through your enemies.

Make your way through 30 exciting levels in campaign mode or try to survive for as long as you can against infinite waves of enemies. Whichever game mode you choose, the fun is guaranteed! We wish you a good flight and a good fight!

What's New:

- Fast and engaging gameplay

- Choose between campaign or survival mode

- 30 levels and 3 difficulty sections

- Checkpoint autosave

- Record and share with Everyplay

Show some love; support and share:

Facebook: http://ift.tt/1n8VnBX

Twitter: http://ift.tt/1n8VnBZ

Site: http://ift.tt/1n8VnC1

Youtube: http://ift.tt/1lTZiPq

Jetty Adventures Free

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1nj4prJ

YAPPS: Yet Another Physics Puzzler Saga (Games)

YAPPS: Yet Another Physics Puzzler Saga 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


"Graphics are excellent and controls work smooth, a truly recommended app." --AppsZoom.com

"Simple to learn but the right amount of challenging!" --Kathy

"Gets really addicting really fast!" --Jarius


Use the trapeze to swing YAPPS to victory!

Simple one-touch controls guide YAPPS in this awesome circus based physics puzzler. Lots of amazing items to interact with. Dodge spikes, bounce on trampolines, set off fireworks, dazzle the crowd, get launched by a cannon and use magic doors!


* 60+ levels over 4 different tents (complete tent set available via in app purchase)

* Universal app with iCloud support to play on all your devices

* Game Center support with achievements

YAPPS: Yet Another Physics Puzzler Saga

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1oE6Ryj

News for Dark Souls 2 (Reference)

News for Dark Souls 2 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Reference

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)



Find tons of information about your favorite game


From the top Youtube Channels, stay updated on the latest videos and happenings.


Conveniently access the Dark Souls 2 wiki to learn more than you ever wanted to know!


With up to the minute news coverage, don’t limit your needs to one site. Browse through the RSS feeds optimized for a fast and enjoyable user experience.


Search through the gallery to find epic wallpapers and pictures to share with friends.


“This app is an unofficial news application for Dark Souls. This app is not affiliated with the content creator. All images, text and video content are copyright to their respective owners, and usage for this falls within the “Fair Use” guidelines. This app acts as a news source for players and fans to stay up to date and have a single reference point as a resource for Dark Souls.

If you have any feedback and issues please feel free to contact support@krabako.com

News for Dark Souls 2

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1oE6Rhz

Yolo Fish (Games)

Yolo Fish 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Good news, everyone! Today, you are a fish.

And you only live once, so please mind the sharks.

Who knows what will happen if you live long enough? You might be surprised.

Yolo Fish

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1oE6O5F

Gravity Cups (Games)

Gravity Cups 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Fight gravity! Score points! Gravity Cups!

More fun and exciting than 100 Balls!

Tap the screen to flap your ball. Can you get the world record?


Flap the ball into the cup to win...the faster you do it, the better your score. Watch out for falling balls! Several unique, challenging levels, with more to come!!

Gravity Cups

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1oE6P9u

Hayward OmniPlayer (Utilities)

Hayward OmniPlayer 1.0.5

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Utilities

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.5 (iTunes)


The OmniPlayer App is a password-protected application that can be accessed by authorized Totally Hayward Partners only. For more information, please contact your local Hayward Sales Representative, or call 1-888-HAYWARD.

Hayward OmniPlayer

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1nj4oE7

Memorial Perazzoli (Sports)

Memorial Perazzoli 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Sports

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


E' arrivata l'app ufficiale del Memorial Angelo Perazzoli!

Scaricandola è possibile rimanere aggiornati in tempo reale sui risultati, il calendario delle partite, e i premi del torneo!

Inoltre è possibile caricare le proprie foto del torneo sull'app!

Il Memorial Angelo Perazzoli è un torneo di beach volley (3vs3 misto) che si svolge ogni anno presso l'ASC CRAL di Cremona, in collaborazione con decine di donatori per cercare di riceve fondi da donare in beneficenza all'associazione cremonese "Cura del dolore" ACCD.

Memorial Perazzoli

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1nj4oDX

DAF Magazine (News)

DAF Magazine 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: News

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Au cœur de l’entreprise et de sa stratégie, la fonction administrative et financière est devenue polymorphe. Aux compétences métier incontournables s’est ajouté un éventail de domaines d’intervention faisant du DAF un véritable chef d’orchestre et « bras droit » du dirigeant. DAF Magazine a pour ambition de vous faire partager la vision de vos homologues : décryptages de stratégies d’entreprises, témoignages de DAF, parcours atypiques, regards sur l’avenir… ce magazine, édité par Editialis, sera très vite pour vous le rendez-vous régulier de votre communauté. Et, parce que votre fonction s’appuie sur des compétences techniques pointues, DAF Magazine est conçu comme une véritable boite à outils, vous apportant sous forme de fiches pratiques et d’expertises, une information rigoureuse et immédiatement opérationnelle.

DAF Magazine

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1peSmg4

Action Commerciale (News)

Action Commerciale 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: News

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Action Commerciale, le mensuel du développement commercial édité par Editialis, est le rendez-vous mensuel incontournable de tous les managers commerciaux.

Grâce à son approche résolument pratique et opérationnelle, il apporte au lecteur des pistes de réflexion concrètes pour mettre en œuvre des stratégies commerciales innovantes, accompagner les équipes commerciale et ainsi développer la performance de l'activité.

À portée de main, les stratégies, les méthodes et les outils qui font vendre !

Action Commerciale

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1peSlZI

Top Cars PRO - 1 Million HD Awesome Wallpaper Retina (Lifestyle)

Top Cars PRO - 1 Million HD Awesome Wallpaper Retina 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Lifestyle

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


The ultimate wallpaper app for all us car lovers!

This Wallpaper app has an endless collection of high quality car images that all rotate with your iOS device!

With graphics hand picked by professional designers, this app has all you need to make your iOS device uniquely yours...


• Awesome car theme!

• Endless collection

• Quality images

• Support all orientation

• Screen preview

• Allows sharing of images in Facebook, Twitter and by email


Our Production Team

Content Editor: Sai Wu

iOS Development: Jason Liu, Jessica Wang

Graphic Design: Annie Li, Kelly Wang

Producer: Terence Lau


Please understand that this is an ongoing development. If you have found any issues or bugs, please let us know by email, support@ondemandworld.com. We will solve them with free updates.

⇾ Follow us on Twitter.


‼ Like us on Facebook.


⁇ About us on LinkedIn.



Need a white label app for your business? Or want to talk with us about licensing and advertising opportunities? You should visit http://ift.tt/10HgG0b

Top Cars PRO - 1 Million HD Awesome Wallpaper Retina

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1peSlJk

Chef d'Entreprise (News)

Chef d'Entreprise 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: News

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Des stratégies d’entreprises, des éclairages sur les tendances fortes de demain, des interviews de dirigeants de PME innovantes, un regard sur l’international,… Chef d'Entreprise, ésité par Editialis, vous fait partager le quotidien de patrons et vous apporte les clés pour anticiper de nouvelles opportunités de business. Et, parce ce qu’il est essentiel d’avoir à portée de mains des informations directement opérationnelles dans des domaines aussi divers que les RH, les finances, la gestion ou encore le juridique, Chef d’Entreprise Magazine vous propose chaque mois plus de 30 pages de conseils d’experts et de fiches pratiques. Un vrai réservoir d’expertises pour vous accompagner dans la gestion au quotidien de votre entreprise.

Chef d'Entreprise

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1lSvC6D

E-commerce mag (News)

E-commerce mag 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: News

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


E-Commerce Magazine est le bimestriel des décideurs du e-commerce et du commerce connecté, édité par Editialis.

Dans chaque numéro, retrouvez un panorama des meilleures stratégies e-commerce, des dossiers prospectifs mais aussi des interviews de décideurs et d'acteurs-clés de l'univers ainsi qu'une veille technologique et des fiches pratiques pour optimiser votre propre stratégie e-commerce et faire les bons choix de solutions et de prestataires.

E-commerce mag

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1lSvzaY

101 Balls Free Physics Game (Games)

101 Balls Free Physics Game 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


101 Balls Free Physics is a game thats easy to learn but hard to put down! Tap the screen to release balls into the moving cups. Be sure to fill up every cup, empty cups will be lost. The game will end when all the cups or balls are gone.

Compete with your friends and other players from across the globe for the highest score in Game Centre!

101 Balls Free Physics Game

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1peSj3S

Colloidalsilverplus.co.uk (Lifestyle)

Colloidalsilverplus.co.uk 4.5.3

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Lifestyle

Price: Free, Version: 4.5.3 (iTunes)


Colloidal Silver by Optimised Energetics Ltd. Information and case studies on Colloidal Silver and range of colloidal silver and water purifier products.


By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1lSvyDG

4Run (Sports)

4Run 4.5.3

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Sports

Price: Free, Version: 4.5.3 (iTunes)


Znana amerykańska firma produkująca specjalistyczne obuwie biegowe, nareszcie w Polsce! Firma, będąca obecnie numerem 2 w bostońskim maratonie, zdecydowała się wejść na rynek Polski. Pierwsze wybrane modele kolekcji Jesień '08 dostępne już w naszym sklepie internetowym.

W latach '80 można było spotkać brooksy w Polsce. Wielu czołowych maratończyków biegało w Brooksach. Buty te potrafiły służyć nawet przez dwa sezony, czasami kilku maratończykom, co było bardzo ważne w latach '80, kiedy praktycznie nie było sprzętu na rynku. Bardzo chwalili je sobie i wspominają z nostalgią czołowi polscy maratończycy jak Rafał Wójcik, Zbyszek Nadolski...

Filozofią firmy, od samego jej początku istnienia, tj. 1914 roku, jest specjalizacja ? firma produkuje wyłącznie obuwie i odzież do biegania. Z sezonu na sezon Brooks nie robi face liftingu butów, Brooks je ulepsza. Każdy model jest lepszy od poprzedniego i każdy sezon to kontynuacja linii i jeszcze lepsze buty w danym modelu.

Flagowe modele to Trance, Adrenaline, Glycerine oraz Beast. Brooks wprowadził jako pierwszy, jedyny wśród producentów obuwia biegowego i unikalny segment obuwia ? kategorię Guidance, czyli but który pomaga w prawidłowej kontroli ruchu stopy w trakcie biegu. Trzy modele zdobyły prestiżową nagrodę czytelników pisma Runners World (Trance, Cascadia, Defyance).

Firma Brooks oferuje obuwie zaspokajające potrzeby każdego biegacza ? pronator, supinator, biegacz z płaskostopiem ? każdy znajdzie model buta, w którym poczuje prawdziwą satysfakcję z biegania. Brooks oferuje buty w 5 kategoriach: obuwie neutralne, dla każdego biegacza; Guidance ? wspomagające kontrolę naturalnej pronacji; Support ? wsparcie dla osób promujących lub z płaskostopiem, Control ? dla zaawansowanych pronatorów; oraz Trail ? buty do treningu w terenie.

Tym, co wyróżnia również firmę Brooks spośród innych, równie znakomitych marek butów biegowych, jest jej unikalne podejście do środowiska. Jako pierwsza wprowadziła na rynek technologię MoGo ? flagowy znak ? a następnie BioMoGo ? czyli składnik środkowej części podeszwy, który ulega biodegradacji do 50 razy szybciej niż zwykłe podeszwy.


By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1lSvwvL

GIA Shopkeeper (Business)

GIA Shopkeeper 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


GIA is an Australian owned company that employs a team with extensive experience in the FMCG sector.

Products are developed in consultation with the needs of today’s marketplace and are researched and developed for quality, price and brand positioning.

Procurement of goods is worldwide and GIA specialise in warehousing and logistics of products with direct to store delivery capabilities.

Located in Heidelberg Heights Victoria, GIA is HACCP accredited and specialises in supplying to the Australian supermarket industry.

GIA Shopkeeper

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1lSvvYG

聖闘士星矢 すご技パーティバトル【爽快3DRPG】 (Games)

聖闘士星矢 すご技パーティバトル【爽快3DRPG】 1.0.1

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.1 (iTunes)

















◇グラードコロッセオ:他ユーザとの白熱バトル!(Comming soon)
















(c)車田正美 (c)COPRO

聖闘士星矢 すご技パーティバトル【爽快3DRPG】

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1peSiwT

Crystal Casters (Games)

Crystal Casters 2.1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 2.1.0 (iTunes)


Adventure awaits you in Crystal Casters, the FREE card battle and puzzle game:

* Fascinating puzzle game you can learn in minutes!

* Card collecting and strategic deck building!

With over 800 different cards and tons of quests, Crystal Casters provides hours and hours of unique, brain-twisting gameplay.



Go head-to-head in PvP combat to see who has the most powerful deck!


Your fantasy adventure begins with over 150 quests, and new events add content regularly. Defeat challenging enemies to collect their valuable loot!


Connect crystals to cast powerful magic spells. Develop your best strategy by adding amazing special gems to long chains for incredible combos!


Build your ultimate deck from over 800 cards with unique stats and skills!


Boost your favorite cards to enhance their stats and skills! Then evolve them to more advanced, stronger versions! Summon rare cards not available anywhere else and show them off to your friends and rivals!


A toy brought to life by the powers of dark magic is on the loose, spreading its evil throughout the Crystal Isles. You must travel through the islands of Crystal Casters to save the corrupted wizards!

Embark on an adventure to the Crystal Isles! Cast powerful spells by playing a puzzle, collect rare wizards, and create your ultimate deck!

Crystal Casters

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1lSvuUu

我是明星 (Games)

我是明星 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)





By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1lBeJZi

WonderBLight HD (Utilities)

WonderBLight HD 1.0

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Utilities

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


WonderBLight HD APP lamps used in conjunction with Wonder BLE Lights. With WonderBLight HD APP ,User can Remote control Wonder BLE Lights, adjust the lights' performance according to personal preferences, set the timer to turn off the lights,and so on.

Software interface provides several functions as follows:

Equipment List (the list of fixtures can rename, delete, connection);

Equipment Search (search near New BLE lamps, and added to the device list);

Button light switch, timer off button;

RGB color palette interface (select color ,brightness setting, color hopping,slow gradient color);

White light color temperature interface;

The white light adjustable brightness interface;

Four-channel adjust the brightness interface (smooth tune brightness, adjust the brightness segments 100%, 90%, 70% to 50%, 30%, 10%, 0%).

App video: http://ift.tt/1lBeGNd

WonderBLight HD

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/UKLSMZ