viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

분당서울대병원 매거진 (Lifestyle)

분당서울대병원 매거진 1.0.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Lifestyle

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.0 (iTunes)


분당서울대병원 격월간 건강문화 매거진 [나음]을 만나보세요

분당서울대병원 매거진

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Dina Foxx (Entertainment)

Dina Foxx 1.0.5

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Entertainment

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.5 (iTunes)


Die App zum TV-Zweiteiler.

Wer verfolgt Dina Foxx? Bekämpfe die Seuche! Finde die Wahrheit!

Dina Foxx ist überglücklich, als sie nach langer Zeit ihren Bruder Aaron wieder sieht. Doch der bricht kurz darauf zusammen, wie auch weitere Menschen aus seinem Umfeld. Droht eine Seuche? Und hat sie etwas mit der genmanipulierten Tomate zu tun, die in allen Supermärkten Deutschlands verkauft werden soll? Maike, Jason und Kilian unterstützen Dina auf ihrer Suche nach der Wahrheit – doch die Zeit läuft ihnen davon, Dinas Bruder liegt im Sterben. Du hast es in der Hand, das Blatt zu wenden!

Diese App enthält:

● Casual Game

● Ermittlungsspiel inkl. 360Grad-Videos

● Exklusive Webserie

What's New

● neue Biobricks-Version

● Optimierung des 360°-Players auf älteren Geräten

Dina Foxx

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Office Room Escape Game (Games)

Office Room Escape Game 1.0.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.0 (iTunes)


You have trapped in Office Room Escape Game. You should Escape from the Office Room Escape Game. But you have to think about more to escape the Office. You should get idea how to escape and how to use the hidden items, which will help you to escape from the Office Room Escape Game. Escape one room to go next room. Best of luck.

Office Room Escape Game

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Total Sub (Sports)

Total Sub 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Sports

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Total Sub es la App de referencia para los amantes del mundo submarino. En ella encontraréis una amplia variedad de publicaciones de gran calidad, destacando la versión Plus de las reputadas revistas de papel Buceadores y Pesca & Apnea Submarina, ambas líderes de sus respectivos sectores. ¿Por qué Plus? Plus porque, si bien el contenido es el mismo que en su versión de papel, las versiones Plus incorporan material exclusivo y un avanzado formato interactivo -adaptado para smartphones y tablets- con el fin de que su lectura resulte mucho más enriquecedora y entretenida.

Asimismo, Total Sub también presenta otras publicaciones dedicadas a los mejores destinos para la práctica del buceo, la apnea y la pesca submarina; catálogos con el material específico más puntero; servicios exclusivos del sector y mucho más. Una vez estén listas, aparecerán en tu App para que puedas comprarlas o descargarlas gratuitamente si lo deseas. ¡Así de fácil!

De entre todo lo que encontrarás en esta App, destacamos:

- Interactividad ágil e intuitiva: las publicaciones que encontrarás en Total Sub son altamente interactivas para que disfrutes aún más de tu lectura y profundices como nunca en el contenido que presentan. ¡Pero no te preocupes! Su funcionamiento es muy simple y está bien indicado en todo momento. ¡Cualquiera puede disfrutar de ella!

- Contenidos exclusivos: las versiones Plus de las revistas Buceadores y Pesca & Apnea Submarina incorporan contenido exclusivo que no está disponible en las versiones en papel. ¡No te lo pierdas!

- Pruebas de material extraordinariamente interactivas: disfruta mucho más de nuestras rigurosas pruebas de material ampliando información y detalles de cada elemento del producto al clicar sobre el mismo. Además, podrás ver vídeos explicativos y más datos que en la versión de papel.

-Vídeos: algunos de nuestros artículos irán acompañados de interesantes vídeos para ofrecer una mayor profundidad al tema en cuestión. También podréis ver los vídeos premiados en eventos relacionados con la imagen submarina.

- Galerías fotográficas: extensas galerías con las mejores imágenes del mundo submarino, entre ellas las premiadas en competiciones o las que nuestros periodistas obtienen de sus viajes a los destinos más atractivos.

¡No te lo pienses más! No importa tu edad, tu experiencia, ni de dónde seas, si te gusta el mundo submarino, ¡Total Sub es la App que estabas esperando!


• Suscripción anual: Todos los ejemplares por 17,99 € - Renovable automáticamente hasta que se cancele.

• Suscripción semestral: Todos los ejemplares por 8,99 € - Renovable automáticamente hasta que se cancele.

• Número individual Revista: 3,59€/número.

• Después de la confirmación de la compra, el coste será cargado a tu cuenta de iTunes.

• Para modificar la opción de suscripción, o para desactivarla, visita tu cuenta de Apple.

• Recuerda que la suscripción se renovará automáticamente a través del iTunes Store.

• El coste de la renovación se cargará automáticamente en 24 horas a partir del vencimiento de tu suscripción actual. Puedes desactivar la renovación automática de tu suscripción en tu cuenta Apple con al menos 24 horas de antelación antes de que termine tu suscripción actual.

• Recuerda que no puedes cancelar tu suscripción actual antes de que expire el plazo contratado.

• Política de privacidad:

Total Sub

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Asiatique Plus (Lifestyle)

Asiatique Plus 1

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Lifestyle

Price: Free, Version: 1 (iTunes)


The best mobile discount coupons of your favorite stores at Asiatique. Coupons have been updated special offers always.

Asiatique Plus is easy and joyful, beautifully designed, simple to get benefits, and you'll be surprised with many benefits and privileges you will get from the app.

You can browse through more than 500 of the finest retail shops from Asistique with many independent boutiques & restaurants with their unique products & services.

Why should you download Asiatque Plus app?

• You love saving money.

• You love shopping.

• You like to see products & service that are on sale before go to the shop.

• You like to get personalized coupons from shops.

Asiatique Plus is a truly innovative and amazing shopping experience that provides mobile discount shopping coupon with the special discount coupons in this app, we guarantee you the great savings on the list prices.

Download today and shop what you love, and love what you shop.

Asiatique Plus

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Summon Tower (Games)

Summon Tower 1.1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.1.0 (iTunes)


【Summon Tower】NOW AVAILABLE on iOS!


Once upon a time, 「X-boys」, a race with a X in their chest, lived insular lives in Mindland.

One day, a watermelon dropped from the sky, and all of the X-boys believed that was a gift from God.

The appearance of the watermelon made X-boys excited and cheerful, but they had no idea about their lives would be changed since then. . . . . . .

◎Due Hero System

Choose two heroes for offence and defense heroes according to their unique skills!

Different combinations of heroes will bring different chemical effects.

Just try more combinations and find your favorite!

◎Friend Assist

Choose a friend in Facebook for assist, and the offense hero of the friend you picked will fight for you in the next battle!

Just invite friends in the Facebook for joining the fun!

◎Upgrade System

Upgrading X-boys not only makes them more powerful, but also changes their appearance after getting the max upgrade level!

◎Queue system

According to the different enemy ,you can set several kinds of X-boy you want by queue system.

If you want change the X-boys setten in queue, just tap the clear button to reset.

◎Special Challenge Mode

If you are an expert, you can’t miss the challenge mode and ironman mode .

You need to finish in time limit or some tough conditions

Summon Tower

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Sigmaspecto (Business)

Sigmaspecto 1.0.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.0 (iTunes)


With the Sigmaspecto app, you can log in to your Sigmaspecto account from your iPhone or iPad.

Sigmaspecto enables you to monitor and find early signals and information about your trading partners, portfolio companies, clients and other key counter-parties in real-time well before this information hits mainstream.

Our Artificial Intelligence algorithms continuously scan and analyse billions of online data points (web, news, social media etc.) to uncover breaking signals that are key to your business and use case.

From portfolio alpha, credit & counter-party risk, logistics and supply chain management, to sales intelligence, each of our Signal models use custom Artificial Intelligence algorithms that are trained to find the right needle in the right haystack.


By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

CSWE 60th APM (Business)

CSWE 60th APM 1.1

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes)


TripBuilder EventMobile™ is the official mobile application for the CSWE 60th APM place in Tampa, FL and starting October 23, 2014.

Use this app to:

• Easily view event info and more right on your mobile phone.

• Connect with Exhibitors and map the booths on the interactive floor plan

• Enjoy award-winning TripBuilder Media city recommendations and advance mapping functionality.

• Maximize your time at the Events with the MyShow personalization tools.

This TripBuilder Multi EventMobile app is provided at no charge by CSWE. It was designed and developed by TripBuilder Media Inc. If you have any questions, or need any support regarding how to use this app, please email

To learn more about TripBuilder Media Mobile and Print solutions, please visit, or contact us at 800-525-9745 or at

What's New

Minor UI Changes.


By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS



Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


UNSEENCAR Application เป็น app ที่สร้างโดย website เว็บไซต์รถมือสองอันดับต้นของเมืองไทย ทีมงานได้รวบรวมรถ

ทุกยี่ห้อ,ทุกรุ่น,ทุกโฉม จากทั่วประเทศมาไว้เพื่อท่าน ทุกคันมีภาพถ่ายจริง 18 ภาพ พร้อมข้อมูลรายละเอียด

อัพเดททุกวัน ท่านสามารถค้นหารถมือสองได้ดังใจ ตามหมวดหมู่ที่ได้เตรียมไว้ให้ท่านเลือก ไม่ถูกจำกัดอยู่เพียงแค่ในคอมพิวเตอร์ ทำให้ท่านสามารถค้นหาข้อมูลรถยนต์ได้ทุกที ทุกเวลา


By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Sharette (Travel)

Sharette 0.0.448

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Travel

Price: Free, Version: 0.0.448 (iTunes)


Découvrez le covoiturage courte distance entre particuliers permettant d’optimiser vos trajets dans toute la région et en quelques clics

Rendez service et rencontrez des personnes en proposant des places à bord de votre voiture sans faire de détour OU profitez des sièges disponibles dans chaque voiture pour mieux vous déplacer au prix d’un ticket de métro.

Un ticket de métro ? En effet le passager achète des tickets d’une valeur de 1,7€ qui lui permettent de payer directement le conducteur pour chaque trajet, et tout se fait directement dans l’application !


- publiez vos trajets quotidiens ou exceptionnels en voiture, quelques heures, voire quelques minutes avant votre départ !

- les passagers vous rejoignent sur votre trajet, ne vous imposant ainsi AUCUN DETOUR

- les passagers participent aux couts d’utilisation de votre voiture pour chaque siège réservé


- Trouvez instantanément qui peut vous faire gagner du temps en vous faisant monter à bord de sa voiture

- Bénéficiez d’un nouveau transport en commun : le covoiturage à 1,70 euros quelle que soit la distance (parfois même gratuit J)

Témoignages :

- Anna K. (passagère) “Vous êtes vraiment au top!”

- Jonathan U. (conducteur) “La plateforme est très claire et pratique!”

- Amelie T. (passagère) ”La plateforme m’a sauvé la vie plus d’une fois !”

Des retours ? Contactez-nous : ou

What's New

Possibilité d'ajouter des étapes à son trajet

Publication 48h à l'avance

Demande de mot de passe oublié

Correction de bugs

Amélioration de l'interface


By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

#EIGHT Free - Math puzzle challenge and IQ brain training game! (Games)

#EIGHT Free - Math puzzle challenge and IQ brain training game! 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Find the solution by adding adjacent numbers, easy enough? IT'S NOT!

Test your math skills in this simple but not challenging math puzzle game. Can you score a 5 star? Reach level 100? We don't think so.

Are you a pre-schooler or Einstein? Download now and see where you stack up.

Great for:

* Math speed!

* Fun numerical puzzles!

* IQ Challenge!

* Learn Math as you go!

* Challenge your friends!

* Exercise your brain!

* Keeps your mind sharp and fresh!

"The Perfect Math Game" - Tomek S

"God this is basic math! Why is it so hard???" - Dalia C

#EIGHT Free - Math puzzle challenge and IQ brain training game!

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Rai Com (Business)

Rai Com 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


E' un catalogo di una selezione di titoli di film, fiction, documentari, etc di Rai Com. Per motivi tecnici legati alle tempistiche, non abbiamo caricato video. Per cui vi saranno delle descrizioni dei film, con immagini e testo.

Vi è una home e delle sezioni che corrispondono alle varie categorie dei film. Per ogni titolo vi è una pagine di dettaglio con Titolo, foto, crediti e sinossi.

Rai Com

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

VOA English (Education)

VOA English 1.3

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Education

Price: Free, Version: 1.3 (iTunes)


It’s a free tool for English learners.

Let’s start to learn English with VOA Special English. These lessons have slow reading speed. It is very good to learn English listening.

Main features:

- Each episode has the full transcript.

- Look up the meaning of words or phrases through the online translation tool.

- Simple, quick and easy-to-use UI.

- Support download and offline mode.

- Support background playing mode.

VOA English

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

圣嘉佰利灯饰 (Lifestyle)

圣嘉佰利灯饰 1.0

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Lifestyle

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)




By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Warren-Boynton State Bank Mobile Banking (Finance)

Warren-Boynton State Bank Mobile Banking 3.3.7

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Finance

Price: Free, Version: 3.3.7 (iTunes)


With Warren-Boynton State Bank’s Mobile Banking App you can safely and securely access your accounts anytime, anywhere. Our mobile app is FREE and allows you to:

• View your balance

• View account activity

• Transfer funds

• Locate a branch or ATM

• Contact our Customer Service

• Share our app with friends and family

More features are coming soon!


Security is our priority. Rest assured that your personal information is kept safe!

Contact Us

You can contact us at 1-217-488-6091 if you have any questions about the Warren-Boynton State Bank Mobile App or the self-service registration process.

Warren-Boynton State Bank Mobile Banking

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Zombie Cartoon Side (Games)

Zombie Cartoon Side 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Get Up, Stand Up. Uniting Friends, Energizing the Defeated, and Battling the Evil Zombies.

One Small Error Could Make the Difference Between Your Success and Defeat.

Plan a Winning Strategy to Beat the Zombies Tonight.

Zombie Cartoon Side is a new 3D Action Packed Game for You. This exciting Game is a sequel of the Gulliver's Travels stories. You are playing the historic character of Gulliver in this Game. This character is familiar to most of us. You have reached a Lillipotian world which is situated between mysterious landlocked areas. Great mountains stretch all the way from East to West and surround this geographically isolated Land of Cartoons, The Lillipotians.

Unlike the old story, here we have Friend Cartoons and Zombie Cartoons instead of the Little Endians and Big Endians. The Zombies are chasing the Friend Cartoons to kill them. You have to kill Zombies only while you have to save the Friend Cartoons. If Zombies succeed in killing a Friend then that will transform into a Zombie. If you kill a Zombie then that will eliminate from game.

Game Play:

- At start there are three Zombies and three Friend Cartoons.

- For sideways movement use Double-Touch by joystick and camera.

- Some Multi-touch shooting secrets are hidden in the game also.

- The game ends if either Zombies or Friends reduce to zero.

- You have unlimited weapon and ammunition for the attack.


To save the temple and city, King Cartoon gave up and paid honor to Zombies, who had changed sides and revolted. Some of the ruling elite cartoons were taken as hostages, including the young Princess Cartoon. The Cartoons have lost their identity and have fallen apart. After a two years siege of the city, Friend Cartoons broke through the walls and destroyed the city and temple, and took thousands more Zombies into black arrest. Not only were many cartoons slaughtered, and many forcefully removed from their home and enslaved, but the symbols of their faith and culture had taken a devastating blow. The Northern Kingdom had been sacked a hundred and fifty years earlier, and those tribes would not be organized again. Now, they must have wondered, was this the end for all the rest? The Cartoons were praying the verses ‘Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost; we are cut off completely.’

The entire Cartoon civilization of Lillipotians needs a savior to rescue them from these evil beings. You are the Gulliver - REBORN, the Next Legend on Earth if you win this battle. You must kill all the Zombies who are trying to attack your Friends. Defeat only means death and you will rise as a Zombie next time!!


You can only enter from the doors. You cannot climb the walls. The walls are magic walls. If you try to climb them then they will push you back inside. You cannot cross the boundary as well. If you try to do so then it will rotate you back inside.

Have Fun & Best of Luck!

Zombie Cartoon Side

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Домино online (Games)

Домино online 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Классическое домино с огромным количеством вариаций.

В советские времена по популярности с “Домино” могла конкурировать только игра в карты (“Дурака” или “Козла”). Играли везде: дома, на работе, на учебе, во дворах и т.д. Играли все, вне зависимости от пола и возраста. Лишь бы кости были. Первые ассоциации, которые возникают у русского человека, при слове “Домино” - толпа пожилых дяденек в трениках, которые с бутылкой пива и таранкой “забивают козла”, и, то и дело, выкрикивают “РЫБА!!!” А меж тем история домино уходит корнями приблизительно во II век до н.э. Домино, на самом деле является Китайским изобретением. Оно произошло от игральных костей, которые были ввезены в Китай из Индии в далеком далеком прошлом. В XVIII веке игра была привезена в Италию и видоизменена. Считается, что домино было названо в честь чёрно-белых маскарадных костюмов, которые, в свою очередь, произошли от одеяния монахов-доминиканцев, носивших белые плащи с чёрными капюшонами. Монахам было запрещено играть в карты, и тогда, по легенде, аббат Домино изобрел эту игру.

Правила традиционного Домино достаточно просты.

Играют от двух до четырех человек. Для двух сдают по семь камней, для трех или четырех - по пять. Остальные размещаются в закрытом резерве ("базаре"). Начинает игрок, у которого на руках находится "дубль шесть" (6-6). Следующие игроки выставляют камни с соответствующими очками (6-1; 6-2; 6-3…). Если подходящих камней нет, то приходится добирать из резерва. Если ни у кого из игроков нет на руках дубля 6-6, можно начать игру дублем 5-5. Если же на руках нет ни одного дубля, "на базар" за дублями не ходят, а начинают с камня, имеющего наибольшее количество (например, 6-5). Игра заканчивается, когда один из игроков выложит последний камень. Возможно окончание игры "рыбой" - так называется блокировка выкладки, когда на руках еще есть камни, но доложить нечего. Победителю в качестве выигрыша записывается сумма очков всех камней на руках проигравших. При блокировке ("рыбе") выигрыш принадлежит тому, у кого на руках меньше всех очков. В выигрыш ему записывается разность очков. Игра продолжается до заранее оговоренной суммы - например, до 100 очков.

Особенности игры:

- три разновидности игры (козел, морской козел, осел), еще четыре разновидности на подходе

- игра для 2, 3, 4 участников

- удобное управление

- искусственный интеллект, который обучается, играя с Вами

- глобальная “облачная” таблица рекордов, которая сохранит ваши достижения, даже если что-то случилось с вашим устройством

- многопользовательский режим позволит посоревноваться с настоящими игроками со всего мира через интернет (будет добавлено в следующем обновлении)

Домино online

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Four Awesome Dots - Free Falling Balls Games (Games)

Four Awesome Dots - Free Falling Balls Games 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Match the falling dots by tapping to spin the group of Four Awesome dots. Sounds easy, but you gotta be quick!

It's a super simple game, yet crazy challenging and highly addictive. Have fun!


- Hours of tapping excitement

- Addictive game-play

- Good for a quick fix

- Simplistic, slick design

- Awesome visuals

- A fun time had by all

- Endless game-play

- Gamecenter

** Search "Tardent" on the App Store for more great apps and games

Four Awesome Dots - Free Falling Balls Games

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

OperaDDS (Medical)

OperaDDS 1.1

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Medical

Price: Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes)


Communicate freely with your entire team - staff, associates, specialists, technicians, everyone; at any time from anywhere from the devices you already use.

OperaDDS is the first TOTAL communication dashboard for the dental practice.

From intra-office messaging that includes single touch paging to fully customizable checklists, you will always know what is going on in all your rooms even before you enter them.

Collaborate using standard email addresses and online lab or specialist prescriptions in a HIPAA/HITECH compliant solution with online storage to match any demand

What's New

bug fixes


By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

พุทธธรรม ฉบับดิจิตอล โดยท่านพระพรหมคุณาภรณ์ (ป.อ. ปยุตโต) Buddhadham Digital Version by P.A.Payutto (Books)

พุทธธรรม ฉบับดิจิตอล โดยท่านพระพรหมคุณาภรณ์ (ป.อ. ปยุตโต) Buddhadham Digital Version by P.A.Payutto 1.1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Books

Price: Free, Version: 1.1.0 (iTunes)


พุทธธรรม ถือเป็นผลงานชิ้นเอกเล่มสำคัญของท่าน ป.อ. ปยุตโต โดยเป็นหนังสือที่ทรงคุณค่าทางพระพุทธศาสนามากที่สุดเล่มหนึ่ง เพราะประมวลหลักธรรม หรือกฎของธรรมชาติในแง่มุมต่างๆ โดยดึงเอาคำอธิบายจากพระไตรปิฎก อรรถกถา ฎีกา อนุฎีกา ฯลฯ เพื่อให้ครบถ้วน สมบูรณ์ เหมาะสำหรับผู้สนใจใฝ่รู้เนื้อหาพระพุทธศาสนาในภาพรวมทั้งหมดในภาษาที่สามารถเข้าใจได้ โดยฉบับดิจิตอลนี้จัดทำขึ้นเพื่อความสะดวกในการพกพา สามารถใช้อ่าน ค้นคว้า ค้นหาได้อย่างสะดวกรวดเร็วแทนฉบับหนังสือที่มีความหนากว่า 1,260 หน้า

Buddhamma" is considered as P.A. Prayudh Payutto's masterpiece and one of the most valuable printed Books on Buddhism ever.

The book compendoiusly contains a complete collection of Buddhist Principles or

Natural Laws in different perspectives. These facts are extracted from 'Tripitaka ' or scriptures, exegesis, commentaries and sub- commentaries so that the information is complete and suitable for those interested. The whole picture of Buddhism in the book in the form of explanation is easily comprehensible. However, the Digital Buddhamma book has been developed in order to enable the interested to access Buddhist Principles faster and more convenient without carrying the printed book with 1,260 pages any longer

What's New

- New cover

- Revise content

พุทธธรรม ฉบับดิจิตอล โดยท่านพระพรหมคุณาภรณ์ (ป.อ. ปยุตโต) Buddhadham Digital Version by P.A.Payutto

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

SuccessNet by BNI: Increase business locally and globally through professional word of mouth networking (Business)

SuccessNet by BNI: Increase business locally and globally through professional word of mouth networking 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


SuccessNet is BNI’s official online magazine. It’s free and packed full of proven networking tips, new ideas to grow your business, news, articles and stories about different chapters and their members from over 58 BNI countries around the world.

SuccessNet by BNI: Increase business locally and globally through professional word of mouth networking

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

同色相连 - 经典 (Games)

同色相连 - 经典 1.0.1

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.1 (iTunes)











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同色相连 - 经典

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Corvette America (Catalogs)

Corvette America 1.0.4

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Catalogs

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.4 (iTunes)


The Corvette America app contains feature products and services offered by Corvette America through our Website and Catalogs. The App allows users to view and download catalogs in a digital format with additional features such as videos and website links not available in the printed catalogs.

Corvette America

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Cold Hawaii (Travel)

Cold Hawaii 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Travel

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


With Cold Hawaii you get a mobile directory of experiences and activities nearby the beautiful Klitmoeller. Whether you are into wild activities or cultural experiences Cold Hawaii will guide you to an exciting vacation.

To give you a nice stay in Klitmoeller information is gathered about activities, sights and places to see.

You can access information about each activity and get the phone number directly to the site. Once you have selected an activity you will see the fastest way to get there, either walking or driving.

The various locations are divided into five categories:

- Activities

- Culture

- Food and drink

- Amusement

- Water Activities

Cold Hawaii

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

DISD MWBE (Business)


Device: iOS Universal

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


The Dallas ISD MWBE (minority women business enterprise) app is a convenient way to develop business opportunities at your fingertips with the Dallas Independent School District. The app user can contact the staff, access contractor information, and has an FAQ tab. Businesses can identify DISD recognized certification agencies. Find out how you can grow your business with the Joint Venture and Mentor Protégé Programs. Our PUSH notifications will notify you about Upcoming Events to promote your company. Keep track of business opportunities with the DISD Notepad. Look for exciting new updates.


By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS