miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2014

Zuma Marble Blast Zodiac - Let Play Marble Blast Free Game Deluxe HD (Games)

Zuma Marble Blast Zodiac - Let Play Marble Blast Free Game Deluxe HD 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


::: Zuma Marble Blast Zodiac :::

The most wanted Zuma game in app store. Easy to play and Enjoy every level.

::: How to Play :::

1. Simple one touch control.

2. Cut the balls line by matching 3 balls with the same colour.

::: Features :::

Free version has free levels to play all.

You have the short cut way to pass 3 or all levels, If you would like to know let’s play.

Addictive Ball game, Grab it now!!!

Zuma Marble Blast Zodiac - Let Play Marble Blast Free Game Deluxe HD

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/13BaGLP

Ninja vs. Bomb (Games)

Ninja vs. Bomb 1.1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.1.0 (iTunes)


Test your reaction as a ninja dodging through a dangerous field with lots of explosive bombs.

Survive as long as you can and climb up the leaderboard to become a ninja master.

Simple one touch gameplay yet interesting and addictive! Let's download and enjoy!

Ninja vs. Bomb

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1sIgkal

SpeakSafari FREE - Speak Extension for Safari (Business)

SpeakSafari FREE - Speak Extension for Safari 3.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: 3.0 (iTunes)


$$$$$ ON SALE TODAY US$4.99 -> $0.99 $$$$$

[Happy Christmas] Upgrade to SpeakSafari Pro (In-App Purchase) is 80% off the regular price !

SpeakSafari FREE - Speak Extension for Safari

The app is a Safari extension that speaks aloud the entire web page of Safari app.

A must have app to speak aloud web pages of Safari.

Useful Features

● Speak aloud the entire English web page of Safari app.

- Add favorite web pages with "Starred" to speak aloud later.

- With funny bear and human face animations while speaking.

- Support useful speaking repeat, pause, speed and pitch options.

● Optimize speak functions (Pro)

- Background operation support: keep reading aloud web pages in the background while using another app.

- Lock screen support: play, pause, skip a sentence, adjust playback volume and see the sentences list on the lock screen.

- Headphone support: play, pause, adjust playback volume and detect headphone plugged and unplugged.

● Add favorite web pages with "Starred" to speak aloud later.

● With funny bear and human face animations while speaking.

● Support useful speaking repeat, pause, speed and pitch options.


● A Safari extension that speaks the entire English web page sentence by sentence

The app integrates a built-in English text-to-speech engine, speaks aloud offline sentence by sentence without internet connecting.

● Background operation support (Pro)

The app can keep reading aloud web pages in the background while using another app.

● Lock screen support (Pro)

The app provides the lock screen support that you can play, pause, skip a sentence, adjust playback volume and see the sentences list on the lock screen.

● Headphone support (Pro)

The app provides the headphone support that you can play, pause and adjust playback volume. It also detects headphone plugged and unplugged.

● Optional high quality voices (In-App Purchases)

English HD, British HD, Spanish HD, Chinese HD, Japanese HD and Korean HD.

● Add favorite web pages with "Starred"

Add favorite web pages with "Starred" to speak aloud later.

● Support useful speaking options

The app provides some useful speaking options, such as speaking repeat times of each sentence, speaking pause seconds between sentences, speaking speed speaking pitch and font size options.

● Speaking face animation

The app provides funny face animations while speaking.

You can choose bears and humans face animation with two types of mouth each.

You could use the pinch to zoom gesture to change the face size, drag and drop to move to other position features.

● Highlight words while speaking

Words will be highlighted on many web pages while speaking.

Please note that words with special format may not be highlighted properly.

● This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad


To use the app, you need to enable the [SpeakSafari FREE] extension in Safari app first.

The app requires iOS 8 (or later).

TranslateSafari integrates all SpeakSafari features.

The FREE version is limited to speak few sentences only and with sponsored ads.

SpeakSafari FREE - Speak Extension for Safari

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1z2CINp

Fracciones 2: Fracciones, números decimales y porcentajes FREE (Education)

Fracciones 2: Fracciones, números decimales y porcentajes FREE 1.5.10

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Education

Price: Free, Version: 1.5.10 (iTunes)


En bettermarks hemos rediseñado las lecciones de Matemática para ti! Aquí podrás divertirte y mejorar tu desempeño a la vez! Con bettermarks te beneficiarás de tus errores... ¿Cómo? Sí, bettermarks no se limita a indicarte solamente si tus respuestas son correctas o incorrectas; por el contrario, aquí aprendes interactivamente paso a paso, y evolucionas naturalmente hasta que eres capaz de resolver problemas realmente complejos. Así es como funciona:

- Cada ejercicio contiene sugerencias, ayudas y elaborados ejemplos que pueden ser consultados en todo momento. De esta forma puedes practicar el contenido de la Matemática que necesitas, en el lugar que quieras y simplemente desde tu iPad.

- Si tu respuesta es incorrecta, podrás valerte de los ejemplos detallados, el contenido contextualizado y las variadas ayudas que bettermarks te ofrece, de manera que tú mismo podrás encontrar el error y podrás aprender a hacerlo correctamente la próxima vez.

- Como tú, hallamos los problemas basados en múltiple opción muy aburridos. Por ello aquí tendrás la oportunidad de introducir tus respuestas de varias maneras, todas divertidas, útiles e ingeniosas.

- Claro que también habrá recompensas por el trabajo bien hecho! Por cada serie de ejercicios que resuelves obtienes monedas y estrellas que te servirán para evaluar tu evolución. Y claro, tú mismo puedes usar tu crédito con ingenio... ¿Porqué no un paseo al cine con tus padres después de una buena tarea?

En esta app, encontrarás todo lo que necesitas saber sobre “Fracciones, números decimales y porcentajes”. Aprenderás lo siguiente:

- convertir fracciones a expresiones decimales y porcentajes

- convertir expresiones decimales y porcentajes a fracciones

Cuando finalices estarás preparado para un próximo tema!

Esta versión contiene publicidad. Si compras la versión paga, entonces podrás trabajar en un entorno sin anuncios!

Fracciones 2: Fracciones, números decimales y porcentajes FREE

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1uY2Ken

Dodge Bird Lite for iPad (Games)

Dodge Bird Lite for iPad 1.0

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Dodge Bird is not in the family tree of Flappy Bird or Angry Bird. Do not be confused by the name or the app icon image.

Dodge Bird is mostly used to time passing or whenever you have nothing else to do on the interweb.


Dodge Bird will challenges your mental/physical state for fast reflexes, build your finger muscle, and other significant stuffs that you did you know until you play the game.

With all that being say,

What's Yo Score?

Dodge Bird Lite for iPad

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1z2CFRx

MHEDA15 (Productivity)

MHEDA15 15.1

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Productivity

Price: Free, Version: 15.1 (iTunes)


This is the official conference application for MHEDA15. Use this app to make the most out of your event experience:

-Meet and network with other attendees

-Build a personal schedule

-Find exhibitors that match your interests

-Post comments to the conference and out to Twitter

You must be a registered attendee to use this app.


By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1z2CFBd

BlueChips@SG (Finance)

BlueChips@SG 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Finance

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


A blue chip is defined as a stock in a corporation with a national reputation for quality, reliability, and the ability to operate profitably in good times and bad. Typically, blue chip companies are large (international) corporations that have been in business for many years and thus considered to be very stable. .

For most investors, there are typically two main objectives in doing investment.

(1) Investing for income which comes from the dividends paid by the company.

(2) Investing for capital appreciation which focuses on the growth of the company over the years.

This app identifies the blue chips in Singapore and provides a quick glance of their stock price, dividend payout date and amount.

More features to be added in the near future.


Any stock information provided in this app is for your information only, and we do not guarantee the accuracy. While blue chips generally has lower investment risk, one should always still invest with caution.


By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1uY2GLt

Portal do Médico (Medical)

Portal do Médico

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Medical

Price: Free, Version: (iTunes)


Este APP "Portal do Médico" é um aplicativo exclusivo que oferece soluções de comércio eletrônico para que médicos, profissionais ligados a área da Saúde, Hospitais, Clínicas, Consultórios, Empresas e pessoas físicas possam comprar, vender e anunciar produtos pela internet.

Além disso, você Médico tem acesso exclusivo:

* Fórum médico

* Congressos

* Guia Médico

* Últimas notícias sobre Saúde e Medicina

* Chat (apenas para usuários do APP ou médicos cadastrados no Portal do Médico)

Portal do Médico

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1BXiWEe

疯狂游戏厅-2014全新街机游戏玩法 (Games)

疯狂游戏厅-2014全新街机游戏玩法 1.71

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.71 (iTunes)












What's New



By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/138SMiT

ACO Industrial Drainage (Business)

ACO Industrial Drainage 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


ACO Industrial Drainage reader covers surface water drainage and grease separation. ACO tackles two of the food industry’s biggest concerns: reducing the risk of food contamination and optimizing cleaning costs by focusing on hygienic performance of its products. ACO Industrial Drainage primarily focuses on Food & Beverage Processing and Commercial Kitchen sectors.

ACO Industrial Drainage

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/138SLLS

iLibrary Wildau (Utilities)

iLibrary Wildau 1.4.3

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Utilities

Price: Free, Version: 1.4.3 (iTunes)


iLibrary Wildau - ein Projekt von Studenten für Studenten.

Mithilfe der iLibrary App kann die Bibliothek der TH Wildau [FH] auf ganz neuartige Weise entdeckt und erkundet werden. Alle Bücher können virtuell betrachtet, bewertet und favorisiert werden.

iLibrary Wildau ist ein Projekt der TH Wildau zum Aufbau eines interaktiven Informationsraumes zur Erschließung virtueller Bibliotheksinhalte.

Das Projekt wird durch den Europäischen Fond für regionale Entwicklung gefördert.


- BookFinder:

Der BookFinder hilft beim Finden von Büchern innerhalb des Bibliotheksbestandes. Nach Eingabe eines Suchwortes werden alle Treffer aufgelistet. Die letzten 5 Suchwörter werden gespeichert, um einen schnelleren Zugriff zu gewährleisten.

- Barcode Scanner

Der Barcode Scanner ermöglicht das Einscannen des Barcodes von Büchern, um so schneller zur Detailansicht eines Buches zu gelangen, um dieses zu bewerten, oder es zu den Favoriten hinzuzufügen.

- Buch-Detailseite

Die Detailseite eines jeden Buches zeigt neben der Signatur, dem Titel, den Autoren und den Bewertungen auch eine Zusammenfassung des Inhalts (wenn verfügbar) und bietet die Möglichkeit, das Buch innerhalb der Bibliothek zu lokalisieren und den Standort auf einer Karte anzuzeigen. Zu jedem Buch können ähnliche und verwandte Bücher angezeigt werden.

- Ausleihe Status

Der Ausleihe Status listet alle ausgeliehenen Bücher auf und erinnert daran, die Bücher wieder rechtzeitig zurückzugeben. Weiterhin bietet sich die Möglichkeit Bücher direkt über die App zu verlängern.

- Favoriten

In den Favoriten können all die Bücher, die von Interesse sind, gespeichert werden. Somit ist immer ein schneller Zugriff auf diese Bücherauswahl gewährleistet.

- ExpertFinder

Der ExpertFinder zeigt alle Mitarbeiter der Bibliothek und deren Büro sowie Telefonnummer. Jeder Ansprechpartner kann direkt aus der App angerufen werden, um somit eine optimale Beratung zu bekommen. Die Mitarbeiter können, falls diese die Ortung aktiviert haben, innerhalb der Bibliothek geortet werden.

- RoomFinder

Wann ist welcher Raum frei? Diese Frage beantwortet der RoomFinder. Hier findet sich eine Übersicht aller Raumbelegungen. Eine Reservierung (telefonisch/per E-Mail) ist direkt aus der App möglich.

- Stundenplan

Der Stundenplan kann direkt in der App geladen und konfiguriert werden. Es können Seminare von verschiedenen Seminargruppen geladen werden. Einzelne Kurse und Prüfungen können bei Bedarf verborgen werden, sodass nur die Kurse und Prüfungen angezeigt werden, die auch wirklich besucht werden.

Dozenten haben ebenfalls die Möglichkeit ihren eigenen Stundenplan anzuzeigen und zu konfigurieren.

- Mensaplan

Der Mensaplan zeigt das Essen für den heutigen und die nächsten Tage der Mensa Wildau an.

Zusatz- und Inhaltsstoffe jedes Essens können über einen Info-Dialog angezeigt werden.

- Einstellungen

In den Einstellungen können die persönlichen Zugangsdaten hinterlegt werden, um alle personenbezogenen Services der App im vollem Umfang nutzen zu können.

- Info-Dialog

Der Info-Dialog erklärt alle Funktionen, Buttons und Icons die innerhalb der App zu finden sind. In diesem Info-Dialog sind auch das Impressum sowie die Öffnungszeiten der Bibliothek zu finden.

*** Diese App wird stetig weiterentwickelt und durch neue Dienste und Funktionen erweitert. ***

What's New

Verbesserung der Darstellung von Stundenplänen.

Kleine Fehlerbehebungen.

iLibrary Wildau

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1BXiW74

Freeway Run Free (Games)

Freeway Run Free 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


It was inspired by the classic game Freeway from Atari.

Have fun to take "hasty" character to cross the busy highway with cars coming from all directions.

Using your accelerometer you handle the crazy guy forward and backward, dodging him from being hit by cars.

Earn one point for each crossed track and three points every sidewalk achieved if you arrive in less than 10 seconds.

Freeway Run Free

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/138SMiE

2 CARS - Lambo Edition (Games)

2 CARS - Lambo Edition 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Control both the red car and the yellow car at the same time. Collect all the circles and avoid the squares on the road.

2 CARS - Lambo Edition

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1BXiVjC

Finance Conduit (Finance)

Finance Conduit 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Finance

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Finance Conduit is based on Tzang's Conduit. Tzang‘s Conduit was raised by Dr.YC Chan. You can read more about his theory in his website: http://ift.tt/1BXiVjz.

Other reference website:

1. http://ift.tt/1igNL7D

2. http://ift.tt/1igNL7F

3. http://ift.tt/Zv30c6

Finance Conduit

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/138SJ6J

CCCartagena Experience (Business)

CCCartagena Experience 0.0.1

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: 0.0.1 (iTunes)


This app is intended to be used with and HMD ( head mounted display ) , to have a 3d experience.

Teleport yourself to the CCCARTAGENA and discover its magnificent spaces.

Move your head in all directions to see the 360º of the images and stay staring arrows to change of room.

Experience virtual reality in a simple, fun, and innovative way.

CCCartagena Experience

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1zr3kGK

Four Color Fun Game (Games)

Four Color Fun Game 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Welcome to Four Color Fun Game...!! Really play this game and enjoy your every moment. It's a fun game. Four Color fun game is addictive simple to use and play...!!

Four Color Fun Game

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1zr3jTk

Mecha Dino Shark With Toilet Brush (Games)

Mecha Dino Shark With Toilet Brush 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Good day Sir !

You should know that sharks can do and be almost everything, you just have to look closely :D

Guess what you have to do in this funny minigame!

Right, you have guess the right word and soon you will notice that everything sharks do have a meaning.

What's the point of that? YEAH ! The people are tired of that things dont turn into sharks.

Just reveal the tiles and guess.(with low voice:most of the time the word is a verb but sometime it can be a noun)

If you cant solve a word or you have forgotten what a "verb" is, its absolut no problem:

In this minigame its also possible to buy the right letter for little coin-price.

Just press the button as often as necessary to get to the next level without too much problems.

Every time you solve a riddle the wheel of fortune will appear. On click with attitude and you can get up to 100 coins per round !

Coins are important to reveal tiles or to place the right letter.

Gogogo !

and good luck :D

Mecha Dino Shark With Toilet Brush

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1GOQVfU

The dentist! (Games)

The dentist! 1.1

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes)


You are the dentist and you need to fix all the bad teeth of the kids

who´s been eating way to much candy!

Different characters to choose from and lots of fun,

A very popular game for the younger children

Easy and suitable for all ages to play

The dentist!

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1GOQW3A

StickMan (Games)

StickMan 1.0.2

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.2 (iTunes)


Very nice MinGame~

Tap the screen to make the stick length get longer, Very interesting~


By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1zr3jm3

Sevenventure Express (Games)

Sevenventure Express 1.0.1

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.1 (iTunes)


Play the math game that thrills your mind and teases your brain!

Sevenventure: it’s a classic before it’s even hit the store. One of the most popular math games ever released!

• Roll away the boulders to clear the screen…

• Use your number-matching skills to make lucky number 7

• Add the numbers quickly – you’re on the clock!

• Unlock the ancient Aztec mystery…

Fan of brain games or math games? Put your IQ to the test in this puzzle that will keep you coming back. Challenge yourself against the riddle of the Aztecs: put your mathematics skills to work by adding stones to make seven. Shuffle your pack, combine several stones, and stretch your mind to its limit!

Sevenventure, the massively popular math puzzle game, is finally in app version! If you like brain teasers, addition, and testing your intelligence, you need Sevenventure in your life! Good at counting? Fan of numbers? Get your mind in motion—the beads are in your hand!

This puzzling, challenging and addictive game is perfect for those who like…

Sevenventure Express

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1zr3gXz

English-Vietnamese Translator(Tiếng Anh Người phiên dịch) (Reference)

English-Vietnamese Translator(Tiếng Anh Người phiên dịch) 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Reference

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


・It is a English-Vietnamese translation app.

・It is the application which made the translation result easy to compare.

・The history can be preserved.

・Please use it for study and work to travel and to report with the overseas friend.

・Batch deletion of text

・Copy of text

・I think that I can help English and the Vietnamese learner.

Support Page



Please input language, if load finishes.

It is easy to translate the direction which removed the subject.


· Nó là một ứng dụng bản dịch tiếng Anh-Việt.

· Đây là ứng dụng mà thực hiện các kết quả dịch thuật dễ dàng để so sánh.

· Lịch sử có thể được bảo tồn.

· Hãy sử dụng nó để nghiên cứu và làm việc để đi du lịch và báo cáo với những người bạn ở nước ngoài.

· Xóa hàng loạt các văn bản

· Bản sao văn bản

· Tôi nghĩ rằng tôi có thể giúp người học tiếng Anh và tiếng Việt.

Hỗ trợ trang



Xin ngôn ngữ đầu vào, nếu tải xong.

Nó rất dễ dàng để dịch roomates hướng loại bỏ vấn đề này.


English-Vietnamese Translator(Tiếng Anh Người phiên dịch)

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1zr3gqx

Fantasy Bowling with Pals (Games)

Fantasy Bowling with Pals 1.05

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.05 (iTunes)


Fantasy Bowling with Pals

One day, Jack the HammerHead was feeling pretty bored. He wandered through the forest, musing how he could make his days more fun.

When suddenly he saw the monkeys munching bananas and sending the peels flying through the air towards the bamboos.

‘Uhh!, that’s an idea,’ Jack mumbled, as he plucked a coconut and rolled it at a tortoise nearby. And he felt pleased with himself when the coconut hit the animal’s shell and made a tingling sound.

So friends, that’s how it all started. Jack started pondering over new ways to enhance the sport and as a first step, he invited Mikey the Spinney to a match.

Thrilled as they were, the two buddies went on to add new dimensions to the game. They discovered new spots to play, practiced new bowling styles, devised different alleys, some straight, some curved, some looped, while still others having a cannon or a catapult midway for more fun.

And they played everywhere - in forests and in islands – amid the most scenic of landscapes.

Wanna try this incredibly cool bowling game? Take the chance to compete for victory with your friends and prove your skills against bowling legends!

Salient Features:

• Fantastic alleys set in exotic lands that spring to life with bright and cheerful graphics.

• Play with your Facebook friends in real-time, in one-on-one multiplayer matches.

• Great sound effects.

• Return every day for a free bonus gift of Coins.

• A working Internet connection is a must.

So Fantasy Bowling with Pals is a free bowling game, where you can go bowling in exotic spots. There’s the Forest area and the Island area, with a number of alleys in each area.

In terms of its gameplay, the game is simple. Just place your character on desired location and tap and hold to launch the ball. You can even swipe to spin the ball while it’s rolling.

You can play matches with Facebook friends as well as random opponents. Each match consists of three rounds in three different alleys and the player with the highest aggregate score in all three rounds is the winner.

Now go ahead and use your techniques and strategies to aim for a perfect score!

Fantasy Bowling with Pals

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1GOQTVi

Bach Chorales (Music)

Bach Chorales 1.07

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Music

Price: Free, Version: 1.07 (iTunes)


This App is a collection of the four-part chorales harmonized by Johann Sebastian Bach. When first launched, the Chorale numbered to the current day of year is shown. You can then choose another Chorale with the Select wheel found on the second screen.

When the Figured Bass switch is activated the alto and tenor voices are removed and figured bass is added. This highlights the harmony and simplifies the music, making it more accessible. In this mode it is also possible to transpose the score. The Transpose wheel indicates the number of half-steps from the original key. Practicing in all twelve keys is ideal.

Bach Chorales

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1zr3fTz

Line Dash (Games)

Line Dash 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Find your way through increasingly tricky levels in this puzzle platformer by drawing a chalk path on the screen.

Line Dash

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1zr3f5P

'A Heroes Blast Mega' - Bubble Shooter Game Saga HD Free (Games)

'A Heroes Blast Mega' - Bubble Shooter Game Saga HD Free 1.0.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.0 (iTunes)


Soar through the sky and blast bubbles!

These animal heroes with their bubble blasters are unstoppable!


Arcade style gameplay with HD graphics.


Test your skills with 3 different characters.

Gameplay becomes more and more challenging as you soar through the sky.

Endless gameplay as you earn power-ups to upgrade character!

Challenge a friend to see who can earn the most points!

'A Heroes Blast Mega' - Bubble Shooter Game Saga HD Free

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1GOQS3H