sábado, 11 de enero de 2014

Rouge Promotions (Catalogs)

Rouge Promotions 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Catalogs

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Rouge Promotions is a fresh, new, and innovative magazine that will shake up the Asian wedding industry! A national publication, Rouge Promotions is the first and only magazine of its kind. We provide a full A-Z directory of all wedding suppliers, be it big or small; from venues and caterers, to coach hire and florists - Rouge Promotions has it all!

Rouge Promotions

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://appshopper.com/catalogs/rouge-promotions

BDSKirchheim (Business)

BDSKirchheim 1.1

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes)


BDS-Kirchheim ist die offizielle App des Bundes der Selbständigen Kirchheim unter Teck e.V.

Wir bieten unseren Mitgliedern eine Plattform zur Mitgestaltung der Wirtschafts-, Sozial- und Kommunalpolitik. Der BDS vertritt Interessen kleiner und mittlerer, vorrangig regional aber auch überregional agierender Wirtschaftsbetriebe gegenüber Politik, Verwaltung und Öffentlichkeit. Wir bieten gebündeltes Know-how für Fach- und Führungskräfte, Selbstständige, Freiberufler und Existenzgründer

Mit der Applikation des BDS Kirchheim können Sie:

– Informationen über den BDS Kirchheim/Teck einholen

– Kontakt zur Geschäftsstelle, dem Vorstand und den Kerngruppen aufnehmen

– Mitglieder finden

– Auf die Homepage des BDS Kirchheim gelangen

– Die Stoppuhr zur Kirchheimer Parksanduhr bedienen

Somit haben Sie ab sofort auch die Möglichkeit, sich über aktuelle Themen und Veranstaltungen des BDS Kirchheim, des BDS Kreisverbandes Esslingen, des Landesverbandes Baden-Württemberg und des BDS-Bundesverbandes zu informieren.


Mitglieder finden:

In der Rubrik "Map" finden Sie unter "Adressen" das Mitgliederverzeichnis, aus dem Sie ein Mitglied auswählen können, woraufhin der Unternehmensstandort angezeigt wird. Von dort aus können Sie über den Infopunkt (sofern vorhanden) die Kontaktdaten ansehen sowie die Route dorthin anzeigen lassen. Unter "mehr..." lassen sich verschiedene individuelle Optionen einstellen. (Hinweis: Ist die Karte lange Zeit im Hintergrund aktiv, kann sie die Akku-Laufzeit erheblich verkürzen!)


Hier haben Sie einen direkten Zugang zur Homepage des BDS Kirchheim und können z.B. mal einen schnellen Blick in den Veranstaltungskalender werfen - auch um eigene Termine einzutragen, können sich über Mitglieder, Ausschuss und Vorstand informieren, können die Branchensuche "Wer macht was?" konsultieren, Ausbildungsbetriebe erkunden oder im Pressearchiv und den Rückblicken stöbern, etwas über den Standort erfahren sowie über die Link-Seite weitergehen u.a. zur Stadt Kirchheim, dem BDS-Landesverband oder der Kirchheimer.info, hier können Sie auch Verkehrsanbindungen oder tagesaktuelle Infos abfragen.


Seit Oktober 2013 gibt es auf Initiative des BDS Kirchheim in Zusammenarbeit mit dem CityRing und der Stadt Kirchheim die Kirchheimer Parksanduhr. Dies ist eine Sanduhr mit Saugnapf, die Sie zum Kurzparken in der Innenstadt benutzen können, indem Sie sie innen an der Seitenscheibe Ihres Wagens anbringen. Während der 8 Minuten, die sie durchläuft, dürfen Sie auf allen gebührenpflichtigen, oberirdischen, städtischen Parkplätzen kostenlos stehen, ohne ein Bußgeld befürchten zu müssen. Dadurch können kurze Einkäufe wie der Brezelkauf, das Geldabheben oder auch kleinere Erledigungen ohne Gebühren oder Ärger erledigt werden. Und damit Sie nicht dauernd gehetzt auf die Uhr sehen müssen, starten Sie einfach beim Verlassen des Wagens den Timer, der Sie auch bei deaktivierter App oder ausgeschaltetem Smartphone zur voreingestellten Zeit daran erinnert, dass Sie sich auf den Rückweg zu Ihrem Fahrzeug machen sollten. Die Sanduhren sind bei den teilnehmenden Mitgliedern des BDS und CityRings sowie der Kirchheim-Info im Max-Eyth-Haus erhältlich.

Es handelt sich hier um die Version 1.1. Bei Fragen, Wünschen oder Fehlermeldungen wenden Sie sich bitte an die WPT Kernstock oder die Geschäftstelle. Wir freuen uns über Ihre Rückmeldungen.


By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1hbh0LF

Greater Joy (Lifestyle)

Greater Joy 3.20.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Lifestyle

Price: Free, Version: 3.20.0 (iTunes)


Welcome to the official Greater Joy Ministries application.

WE LOVE. FOR REAL! We hope you love the Greater Joy App. Listen to sermons, follow a Bible Reading Plan, keep up with Greater Joy, give to the ministry or contact us

For more information about Greater Joy, please visit: http://ift.tt/1dmQwYn

The Greater Joy App was created with The Church App by Subsplash.

Greater Joy

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1hbgZYf

FFLGuard Clients-Only App (Business)

FFLGuard Clients-Only App 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)



The Gold-Standard in Legal Services and Firearms/ATF Compliance - Educating and defending federal firearms licensees since 2008!


FFLGuard uses the economic and cooperative strength of Federal Firearms Licensed clients, all contributing their financial resources to the common good of the collective, under the guidance and advice of specialized lawyers, subject matter experts and other professionals, in a joint effort to not just meet, but exceed, legal compliance requirements through continuing education, diplomacy, relationship development and an overall commitment to perfection


FFLGuard is an innovative legal services program offered by firearms-trained attorneys, The Chiafullo Group, LLP, where the group acts as National Coordinating Counsel to participating clients. The FFLGuard program is designed to provide participating Federal Firearms Licensees with cost-efficient access to legal professionals, including firearms lawyers, subject matter experts and other qualified personnel (some of whom are former ATF employees), to deliver educational training and rapid response services, with a focus on safeguarding the viability of the client's FFL. FFLGuard's mission is to promote compliance before, during and after ATF inspection, while providing its clients with the tools to be compliant and the attorneys to back them up.

FFLGuard Clients-Only App

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1hbh3qJ



Device: iOS Universal

Category: Lifestyle

Price: Free, Version: 3.0 (iTunes)


Packed with the best gardening techniques, the MOTHER EARTH NEWS Food and Garden Series covers growing, harvesting, preserving and everything in between, and can help you save money and improve your health


By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1dmQuzL

Early Math Plus (Education)

Early Math Plus 1.0.0

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Education

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.0 (iTunes)


Your kids can practice Times Table as well as basic math by one app.

- Times Table

- Times Quiz


- Addition

- Subtraction

- Multiplication

- Division

Early Math Plus

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1dmQujt

DogakisApp (Business)

DogakisApp 1.0

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Ursprünglich entwickelt für die Gastronomie und den Getränkefachgroßhandel ist dogakis jetzt ein neues, branchenübergreifendes Bestellsystem. Lange Ordersätze, von denen nur Bruchteile an Artikeln von Bestellung zu Bestellung benötigt werden gehören der Vergangenheit an. Stellen Sie Ihr individuelles Sortiment zusammen, speichern Sie es dauerhaft und definieren Sie verschiedene Sortiment für einzelne Lieferstellen. Zeitersparnis, "Bestellungen zwischendurch erledigen" sind die Vorzüge dieser App. Alles gekoppelt mit dem Zugriff auf das Gesamtsortiment Ihres Lieferanten. Schnell und unkompliziert werden Ihre Bestellungen erfasst und durch individuelle Schnittstellen an Ihren Lieferanten übertragen. Beachten Sie bitte: diese App können Sie nutzen, wenn Ihre Lieferant bereits mit dogakis zusammenarbeitet. Sie können allerdings über die App einen Testzugang benantragen, um sich über die Einsatzmöglichkeiten von dogakis ein Bild zu machen.


By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1hbh2TD

Time Travel Zeiterfassung (Productivity)

Time Travel Zeiterfassung 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Productivity

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Time Travel ist die ideale Zeiterfassung für Ihre Außendienstmitarbeiter. Durch die automatische Synchronisation mit Ihrem Warenwirtschafts- oder CRM-System haben Ihre Mitarbeiter sofort alle Kundenstammdaten zur Verfügung und können auf Knopfdruck die Abrechnung starten.

Alle Reisen können anschließend bequem am Computer ausgewertet werden.

Time Travel Zeiterfassung

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1dmQujc

Who Shot Liberty Valance? (Education)

Who Shot Liberty Valance? 1.0

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Education

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE? is an experiment in "forensic film analysis", presenting an argument that the classic 1962 movie has been largely misunderstood. The app includes considerable scholarship on the film, 3D models and diagrams, along with magnifications of a couple of key moments.

Who Shot Liberty Valance?

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1hbh1Py

Rumporter (Lifestyle)

Rumporter 2.0.6

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Lifestyle

Price: Free, Version: 2.0.6 (iTunes)


Le magazine de la culture rhum.


By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1hbh1z6

Bernaerts Bidding App (Business)

Bernaerts Bidding App 1.1

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes)


Specializing in antiques, modern and contemporary art, Bernaerts continues to be one of the most influential art auction houses in Belgium and across Europe. Use this iPad app to bid live online at all Bernaerts live auctions.

Bernaerts Bidding App

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1hbh1iE

Interview Planner (Education)

Interview Planner 1.0.21

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Education

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.21 (iTunes)


Manage multiple health professional school interviews on the go.

* Organize each scheduled interview by inputting dates, phone numbers, locations, emails, URLs, directions, and travel plans.

* Add, edit, and review questions to anticipate and questions to ask in your interview.

* Store contacts you meet on interview day.

* Reflect post-interview and record pros and cons of each school to aid your later acceptance decisions.

Interview Planner

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1dmQtfc

YouAreTV (Entertainment)

YouAreTV 1.0

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Entertainment

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


The live broadcasting platform you don't just watch - you can participate and video call-in LIVE. On iOS, you can watch and chat!


By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1hbgUUd

Xem Ngay Tot (Productivity)

Xem Ngay Tot 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Productivity

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Ứng dụng xem ngày tốt rất gọn nhẹ, ý nghĩa và tiện ích.

Ứng dụng được công ty BHMedia phát triển, dựa trên những luận điểm, khoa học, được sự tư vấn của những thầy tử vi, phong thủy dầy dặn kinh nghiệm.

*Người dùng có thể kiểm ngày tốt, ngày xấu, việc nên làm, kiêng kỵ, ngày giờ hoàng đạo … trong chốc lát mà không phải mất công lục tìm kiếm, mất thời gian mà chưa chắc đã chính xác

Các thông tin:

+ Xem tuổi xông đất đầu năm

+ Xem giờ tốt, ngày tốt năm mới.

+ Xem ngày cưới trong năm

+ Đổi lịch âm - dương và ngược lại

+Chi tiết ngày tháng âm – dương lịch cần xem.

+Ngày Hoàng đạo hay hắc đạo, trực gì, lục diệu, can chi xung khắc với ngày, với tháng, giờ hoàng đạo…

+Việc nên làm, việc kiêng kỵ, ngoại lệ.

+Các sao tốt, sao xấu.

+Theo lý thuyết “âm dương ngũ hành”, lý thuyết “Cửu Tinh”.

+Chọn hướng xuất hành: Hỷ thần, Tài thần, Hạc thần.

Rất đơn giản, bạn chỉ cần chọn ngày cần xem và nhấn “Xem” là mọi thông tin có đủ. Rất phù hợp cho bạn chọn ngày tốt để khai trương, động thổ, xuất hành, cầu tài cầu lộc…

Và nhiều tiện ích khác.

Ứng dụng chạy tốt cho iOS ver 4.3 trở lên, cho cả iphone, ipad

Tất cả vì một Việt Nam thân thiện trong ứng dụng.

Mọi ý kiến đóng góp xin gửi về email: support.ios@bhmedia.vn

Xem Ngay Tot

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1hbgXiV

IVF INDIA (Medical)


Device: iOS Universal

Category: Medical

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


(* Internet is Mandatory for this APP)

IVF is a patient friendly tool to assist in your fertility treatment, has been created by a Bloom IVF Infertility Clinic to support every woman who has made the life changing decision to start a family. Bloom IVF enrollment under National Registry of ART Clinics and Banks in India of ICMR for our Following Branches:

1. Lilavati Hospital & Research Centre, IVF Centre, Bandra, Mumbai, India

2. Babies and Us Fertility, IVF and ICSI Centre, Opera House, Mumbai, India

3. D Y Patil Fertility Centre, Nerul, New Mumbai, India

4. Hiranandani IVF Centre, Hiranandani Hospital, Vashi, New Mumbai, India

As you know, infertility treatment can be complex and expensive. It needs a lot of coordination and monitoring. You have a busy life style and need to know in advance what is going to happen when, so you can plan your work around your IVF schedule.

IVF is a patient friendly tool to assist in your fertility treatment.


1. A full IVF glossary to help guide you through the complex terms.

2. Frequently asked Fertility Questions to help support your attempt to get pregnant.

3. Fertility Calculator which will advise the best Fertility period.

4. Detailed Patient Guidelines regarding IUI, Embryo Transfer, OPU (Pre & Post the treatment).


By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1hbgX2g

South Haven Schools USD 509 (Education)

South Haven Schools USD 509 3.5.400

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Education

Price: Free, Version: 3.5.400 (iTunes)


The official South Haven Schools USD 509 app gives you a personalized window into what is happening at the district and schools. Get the news and information that you care about and get involved.

Anyone can:

-View district and school news

-Use the district tip line

-Receive notifications from the district and schools

-Access the district directory

-Display information personalized to your interests

Parents and students can:

-View and add contact information

South Haven Schools USD 509

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1hbgWLN

ECS Dictate (Medical)

ECS Dictate 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Medical

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


ECS Dictate est une application permettant l'enregistrement audio de comptes rendus médicaux depuis votre appareil iOS. Cette application de dictée numérique, dédiée aux médecins, est synchronisée en temps réel à la liste de travail (avancement) des logiciels de la gamme ECS du groupe EVOLUCARE TECHNOLOGIES.

Fonctionnalités :

- Visualiser la liste de travail en cours de votre plateforme ECS.

- Enregistrer et rejouer vos comptes rendus audio.

- Enregistrer une nouvelle dictée facilement à n'importe quelle position de votre compte rendu audio déjà existant.

- Supprimer facilement une partie d'un compte rendu audio déjà existant.

- Envoyer vos comptes rendus audio à destination de votre plateforme ECS.

Enregistrer vos comptes utilisateurs pour vos différentes plateformes ECS.


- Cette application nécessite une connexion internet, de préférence Wifi.


ECS Dictate is an application which allows to record medical audio reports from your iOS device. This digital dictation application dedicated to doctors is synchronized in real time with the worklist of the ECS software suite of the EVOLUCARE TECHNOLOGIES group.


- Visualize the current worklist of your ECS platform.

- Record and playback your medical audio report.

- Easily record a new dictation at any position of your existing medical audio report.

- Easily delete a portion of an existing medical audio report.

- Upload your medical audio reports to your ECS platform.

- Save your user accounts for all your distinct ECS platform.


- This applicaton requires an internet connection, preferably through a Wifi access point.

ECS Dictate

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1dmQsYE

ITProvider (Utilities)

ITProvider 1.0.6

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Utilities

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.6 (iTunes)


Met deze app heeft u overal direct toegang tot de camera's van ITProvider. Live video en detecties direct op uw smartphone en tablet.

What's New

Verschillende bugs opgelost


By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1dmQqjI

Cute Animals Puzzle (Games)

Cute Animals Puzzle 1.0.3

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.3 (iTunes)


Cute Animals Puzzle is a game designed for kids and toddlers above 1 year old.

The game has 21 puzzles of animals.

Fit the puzzle pieces together to learn the sound of the animal.

Once the kid completes a puzzle, a cheers sound plays and an arrow to the next puzzle appears!

Cute Animals Puzzle

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1dmQsbj

sistema de ciudades (Books)

sistema de ciudades 1.0

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Books

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Sistema de ciudades ofrece herramientas de diagnóstico para fortalecer el diálogo nacional a propósito de políticas públicas y de prioridades en inversión. Este libro es de interés para gestores de políticas públicas e investigadores de Colombia y el mundo centrados en explorar los retos de la urbanización.

sistema de ciudades

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://appshopper.com/books/sistema-de-ciudades

Idaho Laugh Fest 2014 (Lifestyle)

Idaho Laugh Fest 2014 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Lifestyle

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Guess what?! The first annual Idaho Laugh Fest has it's own app! You can see all of the events, times, locations and even buy tickets to all the funnyness. Download the Idaho Laugh Fest App and stay up to date on what's happening at Idaho's comedy event of the year.

Idaho Laugh Fest 2014

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://appshopper.com/lifestyle/idaho-laugh-fest-2014

ATN Catalog (Catalogs)

ATN Catalog 1.0

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Catalogs

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


With this ATN Device Catalog 2014 you can easily find yourself a night vision device precisely for your needs. The app helps you to choose the device according to the type, price range or usability in just a couple of steps.

ATN Catalog

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://appshopper.com/catalogs/atn-catalog

Barossa Living Magazine (Newsstand)

Barossa Living Magazine 1.0.0

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Newsstand

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.0 (iTunes)


Barossa Living celebrates the food, wine and people of one of the world’s best known and most loved wine regions, the Barossa Valley.

Become a local with entertaining stories about people and places, beautiful photography of the vines, wines, faces and food and inspiring ideas and recipes that will take you on your own gourmet journey.

Barossa Living is an award winning magazine in Australia and is now available worldwide.

Subscriptions and single issues of Barossa Living Magazine are available for free.

Subscriptions may be managed by the user by going to the user's Account Settings. Issues are delivered every 3 months.

Barossa Living Magazine

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://appshopper.com/newsstand/barossa-living-magazine

Olvitech iPiccolo (Photography)

Olvitech iPiccolo 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Photography

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


iPiccolo allows your iPhone/iPad to monitor your iPiccolo units, receive live video and audio, acquire track accurate real-time position of each unit over an interactive map, and control a PTZ camera with a finger touch iPhone style.

Olvitech iPiccolo

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://appshopper.com/photography/olvitech-ipiccolo

Slavery Report (Productivity)

Slavery Report

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Productivity

Price: Free, Version: (iTunes)


Slavery Report is a dynamic and active community of passionate individuals with various skills and abilities who have formed together to head on Human Trafficking at its core -- we WILL make a difference.

Slavery Report

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://appshopper.com/productivity/slavery-report