jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2014

Amy Super Bee : Protect Your Face And Body But Do Not Get Angry - Go! (Entertainment)

Amy Super Bee : Protect Your Face And Body But Do Not Get Angry - Go! 4.5.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Entertainment

Price: Free, Version: 4.5.0 (iTunes)


In this game Amy tried to put a bee in your body a big red stain that identifies it, do not let it reach its goal because the more points the more you block and she'll achieve will put less spots.

You can have respect for your ride without the body is nothing to stop you.

3+ Levels

Please, Play Now!

Amy Super Bee : Protect Your Face And Body But Do Not Get Angry - Go!

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1mfmHPk

Sendlinger Apotheke (Medical)

Sendlinger Apotheke 1.0

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Medical

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Bei Ihrer Gesundheitsberatung ist Ihnen der direkte Draht zu unserer Apotheke wichtig? Für Sie, unsere Stammkunden, haben wir deshalb diese neue App entwickelt. Ihre Gesundheit und die Ihrer Familie steht hier ganz im Mittelpunkt. Treten Sie jetzt mit uns in eine neue Form unserer Gesundheitsberatung ein. Erleben Sie unsere Apotheke neu.

Als Besonderheit bieten wir mit der App das neue digitale „Apotheken Umschau elixier“ an. Im zweiwöchigen Rhythmus erscheint dieses innovative Format, das gut recherchierte Gesundheitsinformationen interaktiv und unterhaltsam präsentiert. „Apotheken Umschau elixier“ richtet sich gezielt an eine junge Leserschaft, die im Umgang mit mobilen Medien versiert ist, und gibt Antworten auf vielfältige Gesundheitsfragen.

Des Weiteren bietet unsere App folgende Funktionen:

- Medikamentenplaner „Meine Arzneimittel plus“:

Hier haben Sie die Möglichkeit, eine Medikamentenliste zu führen. Individuelle Dosierungen zur Einnahme oder zur Nachbestellung lassen sich einstellen.

- Arzneimittel-Vorbestellung:

Sie können aus Ihrer persönlichen Medikamentenliste, per gescanntem bzw. fotografiertem Arzneimittel oder Rezept bei uns vorbestellen.

- Apothekennotdienst:

Außerhalb unserer Öffnungszeiten zeigt Ihnen die App immer die nächstgelegene dienstbereite Apotheke an.

- Wechselwirkungs-Check:

Nicht alle Medikamente vertragen sich. Mit dem Check können Sie Ihre Medikamente auf Wechselwirkungen überprüfen, das Ergebnis zum Beratungsgespräch mitbringen oder versenden.

- Beipackzettel:

Wichtige Informationen zu allen Medikamenten können Sie aus einer Arzneimittel-Datenbank abrufen.

- Heilkräuter-Lexikon:

Erfahren Sie mehr über einzelne Heilkräuter und darüber, wie sie wirken, welche Inhaltsstoffe sie haben, wie sie anzuwenden sind und ob es unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen gibt.

- Laborwerte:

Von CRP über TSH bis PSA – hier können Sie nachlesen, was häufige Abkürzungen und Fremdwörter in Ihrem Laborbericht bedeuten


- Glossar:

Dieses Glossar erklärt die Applikationsformen von Arzneimitteln.

- Ratgeber:

Hier erhalten Sie in über 200 Ratgeberbeiträgen wichtige Gesundheitsinformationen aus unserer Apotheke.

- Lage- und Anfahrtsplan:

Über die Funktion „Anfahrt“ finden Sie immer den richtigen Weg zu uns

- Kontakt- und Rückruffunktion:

Treten Sie per E-Mail mit uns in Kontakt oder fordern Sie einen Rückruf an.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Feedback, wenn Ihnen dieser Service gefällt oder wenn Sie Vorschläge zur Verbesserung unseres Angebotes haben.

Sendlinger Apotheke

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/XKqTed

Common Core Quest (Education)

Common Core Quest 1.1.24

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Education

Price: Free, Version: 1.1.24 (iTunes)


* Take quizzes to demonstrate mastery of Common Core Math and ELA skills. Fun, free and no ads.

* When you don't achieve mastery, lets you play videos and games to learn.

* "I have yet to see any other app that ties together quizzing with the learning process itself more effectively." - Richard Ferguson, former CEO, ACT

* Earn ribbons for each Common Core standard (e.g. "G.C.1 Prove all circles are similar", achieve badges for achieving ribbons in entire strand (e.g. "High School Geometry/Circles").

* Let your teachers, parents, and friends know about your badges/ribbons. Teachers see your results in easy to understand mastery charts

* Backed by the world's largest Common Core-aligned resource catalog: www.OpenEd.io. Over one million videos, games, and assessments.

* SBAC and PARCC style questions from leaders in educational content: Pearson Education, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Riverside, Higher Learning Technology Corp., and OpenEd's teacher community

* Quizzes for all Common Core Math and Language Arts standards for grades 6 and higher. Partial coverage of Elementary.

* Questions and feedback? Write to support@opened.io

Common Core Quest

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1mfmJqf

GoliveTV (Entertainment)

GoliveTV 1.0.0

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Entertainment

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.0 (iTunes)




By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1mfmGei

Salts Healthcare (Medical)

Salts Healthcare 0.1.45

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Medical

Price: Free, Version: 0.1.45 (iTunes)


The Salts Healthcare Stoma Training App gives you all the information you need whether you’ve just found out you will need to have a stoma, recently had your operation, or are living with a stoma. It is also a useful tool for those caring for and supporting a relative or friend.

Featuring useful videos, step-by-step instructions and loads of information and advice, our Stoma Training App guides you through life with a stoma.

The app also contains details of support services, a list of FAQ’s to help with any questions you may have, and a glossary of terms.

For more information about Salts Healthcare or the Salts Medilink Delivery Service please visit our website: http://www.salts.co.uk/

Salts Healthcare

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1mfmFXF

激ムズ!チャリ娘100! (Games)

激ムズ!チャリ娘100! 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)











By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/XKqOHl

Miasto Warszawa 44 (Education)

Miasto Warszawa 44 1.5

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Education

Price: Free, Version: 1.5 (iTunes)


Miasto Warszawa 44 - to wystawa materiałów z Powstania Warszawskiego

Byłeś już na wirtualnej wystawie?

Widziałeś eksponaty, których nie widać gołym okiem?

Wirtualna Wystawa z Powstania Warszawskiego w Warszawie to właśnie takie miejsce. Możesz poznać i obejrzeć nie tylko eksponaty w muzeum. Zastosowana technologia pozwala na rozszerzenie rzeczywistości o elementy wirtualne. Za pomocą urządzenia mobilnego możesz zobaczyć dodatkowe filmy, zdjęcia a nawet modele 3D powstańców.

Miasto Warszawa 44

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1suaBye

I Hate Math (Games)

I Hate Math 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


I Hate Math. So much. Do you hate it too?

This app will make you hate it even more. With this app you can either become raging mad unable to solve a simple math problem, train yourself to get better against your old enemy called 'Math', or start crying in the darkest corner of your room :)

Are you up to the challenge ?

I Hate Math

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/YUW5c1

Webot (Utilities)

Webot 1.9.5

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Utilities

Price: Free, Version: 1.9.5 (iTunes)


Application for controlling the telepresence robot Webot.


By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1suayT0

Lomond School Prospectus (Education)

Lomond School Prospectus 1.0

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Education

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


With a unique setting in the scenic coastal town of Helensburgh on the edge of Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park, Lomond School is the West of Scotland’s only day and boarding school.

Lomond offers an academic education that stretches and extends children to their full potential with a strong extra-curricular programme of sport, music, drama and outdoor activity.

A leading Scottish co-educational HMC independent school, Lomond provides day places for children aged 3 to 18 years and weekly and termly boarding options from the age of 10.

Our app is rich in video content and provides prospective parents with a real insight into life at Lomond.

Lomond School Prospectus

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1suayCy

SL100 WASL (Entertainment)

SL100 WASL 5.94

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Entertainment

Price: Free, Version: 5.94 (iTunes)


SL100 is the Tri-State's Classic Rock Station. Wake up with the John Boy & Billy Big Show from 5-9, Jeff Cohen and Natalie will rock your workdays, Have a 3 O'clock Threesome with Roger Vestal (he will also drive you home) and Tom Hunt will put you to bed! SL100 is your home for the House of Hair with Dee Snider (Saturday nights 9-12) and the Daily House of Haircut (6:30p).


By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/YUW5bL

Tappezzeria Gramignan Riccardo (Business)

Tappezzeria Gramignan Riccardo 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


La App di Gramignan Riccardo presenta il lavoro e i prodotti dell'antica tappezzeria d'arte di Firenze. Una homepage gallery mostra alcune fasi operative dei sapienti artigiani, in particolare impegnati nel delicato restauro del Teatro alla Scala di Milano. Un modulo prodotti espone esempi di opere realizzate, dai divani ai letti, dai drappeggi alle tende. Il modulo "storia" racconta alcuni aspetti di questa storica e preziosa realtà. Infine, attraverso i moduli "dove siamo" e "contatti" diventa semplice e rapido accedere a Gramignan Riccardo, per avanzare richieste, fare domande o prenotare un incontro.

Tappezzeria Gramignan Riccardo

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1suaxyu

百业助手 (Business)

百业助手 1.0.0

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.0 (iTunes)


“IPAD百业系统”是基于苹果IOS系统研发的一款智能化各大行业应用软件产品,以提升行业的服务品质为设计理念,通过IPAD来完成套餐选择、样品选择、产品风格选定、720 全景及产品选定等提交订单操作,在提高行业整体服务质量的同时,更让顾客体验到“IPAD百业系统”所带来的科技时尚享受


By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1suaxhW

Runs Atreyu (Games)

Runs Atreyu 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


The Atreyu horse should overcome difficulties to travel far.

Runs Atreyu

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1BPFzYo

Chasing John Doe (Games)

Chasing John Doe 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)



Prepare to challenge yourself to run away from the total obsession of the women of this generation!

Sure....... men dream to have women chase after them, but what if a man cannot handle too many women? What if a man just wants to relax and have fun but he is bombarded with a herd of obsessed women?

You are about to play an endless runner about four men who are surrounded by obsessed women. They want them for their fame, fortune and beauty. The men cannot handle them all so they have no choice but to RUN!

Avoid obstacles! Avoid incoming vehicles! Jump on platforms! Distract them! Use lightning runs and specials to escape their herd! JUST MAKE SURE YOU DON'T.....kill yourself.

Game features:

- 4 characters to choose from

- Unique specials for each character

- Fun and amazing graphics

- A store for upgrades

- 2 scenarios (Posh Town and Ghetto Town)

Remember.....the farther you get, the more attractive you are to them ;)

More updates coming soon!

Chasing John Doe

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1tmTH8R

Pitsart (Lifestyle)


Device: iOS Universal

Category: Lifestyle

Price: Free, Version: (iTunes)


Official Pitsart iOS app.

Pitsart è un prodotto bio-etico.

Pitsart è un paradosso, Pitsart è una Filo-Sophia.

Pitsart attualizza il concetto "Kalos kai Agathos", con il quale gli antichi greci consideravano il bello ed il buono destinati a fondersi nella ricerca della perfezione. Pitsart riscopre quindi un concetto, comunque contemporaneo, dove i termini rimangono gli stessi, ma con un significato che diviene significante della nostra era.

Pitsart è un brand che si esprime oggi in una linea di foulard, esclusivamente Made in Italy.

Nell'immaginario collettivo, l'Italia è infatti sinonimo di culla delle Belle Arti e del Buon Cibo.Torna così l'equazione ancestrale in cui Bello non si discerne da Buono.

Pitsart è Pizza più Arte. Pitsart risveglia l'aspirazione dell'uomo alla perfezione.

Un foulard s'indossa, va perlopiù a valorizzare e proteggere la parte più metafisica del nostro corpo, posto tra la parte meccanica del movimento e la sede dell'intelletto; esso pertanto attende naturalmente ad un ruolo di primo piano.

Pitsart vuole paradossalmente usare il mondo "fashion" e "glamour" per ricondurre l'uomo ad un rapporto armonico con se stesso, in cui le cose belle e buone tornino ad essere i princìpi di una nuova armonia.


By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1tmTG52

Jumping Flappy Brick (Games)

Jumping Flappy Brick 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Another flappy thing on the way. Play as brick and let it jump over various obstacles.

Score high, compete with friends.

Jumping Flappy Brick

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1BPFynm

Моя поездка (Travel)

Моя поездка 01

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Travel

Price: Free, Version: 01 (iTunes)


С приложением "Моя поездка" все услуги для путешествия у Вас под рукой!

Отправьте заявку на билеты, отель, трансфер, визу, экскурсии, страховку, бизнес-зал - вся поездка в одном заказе!

Опытные менеджеры подберут лучшие для Вас варианты. Оплата услуг доступна любым удобным способом.

Не тратьте время на поиск, мы сделаем это для Вас быстро и профессионально!

Моя поездка

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1tmTEtM

Bordeaux Privilèges (Lifestyle)

Bordeaux Privilèges 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Lifestyle

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Bordeaux Privilèges vous permet de profiter de plus de 50 offres & réductions dans toute la ville pendant toute l'année !

Grâce à l'application Bordeaux Privilèges, découvrez gratuitement en quelques secondes les différentes offres qui vous sont proposées, classées en 5 catégories :

-Bar & Restaurants

-Commerces & Services

-Prêt-à-porter & Accessoires

-Esthétique & Bien-être

-Sport & Loisir

Vous êtes déjà client ? Bénéficiez en plus de la possibilité d'utiliser votre carte directement via l'application en utilisant vos identifiants ! Présentez simplement la carte sur votre téléphone lors de vos achats chez un de nos partenaires.

Une question, une suggestion ? Retrouvez-nous sur http://ift.tt/1tmTDG9

et sur http://ift.tt/1BPFuUP

Bordeaux Privilèges

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1tmTBhE

Submarine Journey (Games)

Submarine Journey 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Submarine Journey is endless addictive game where you can tap the screen and enjoy the journey of submarine by taking different power ups and avoiding obstacles, you can collect coins and unlock more attractive submarines, it also includes in app purchases.To get extra 500 coins you have to watch short video and get coins bundle. Facebook leader board is there so that you can have score competition with your friends at Facebook and share your score on Facebook.

Submarine Journey

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1tmTAdF

Soccer Players 14 Quiz Manager – guess the football stars and build top eleven fantasy team (Games)

Soccer Players 14 Quiz Manager – guess the football stars and build top eleven fantasy team 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Experience the new kind of quiz game the game that creates its own unique game play. Introducing unique game: Soccer Players 14 Quiz Manager

Guess the soccer stars and build your fantasy team!


There’s a place you start your exciting game. Guess players from different playing lines such as goalkeepers, defenders, midfields and forwards. As a bonus play you can unlock legendary players if you proof your great soccer knowledge. Let’s tap the blocks to reveal the first player!


Here you can build your dream team. Choose from players you have already revealed. Each player has a market value so you can combine a squad with the highest value! Share your fantasy team to your friends on facebook.


Choose from different formation to favor your strategy. Find out which formation set help you reach in game achievements?


Here you have some stunning uniforms to pimp your team. Some uniforms can even double your in game earnings.


Try to complete near 40 cool achievements and earn points to Game Center leaderboards. Compete in Best Managers list and the Richest list all around the world.


•Guessing 300 puzzles of soccer stars

•Building your dream team

•Setting your favorite formation

•Choosing from 24 different uniforms

•Completing cool achievements

•Game Center leaderboard with the Best Managers List and The Richest List

•Listening to some nice music

•Sharing with friends

Download now! You will love it!

**DON’T MISS OUR OTHER AWESOME GAMES!** Ice Hockey Top Players, Baseball Top Players, NBA Top Players, American Football Top Players, Guess Winter Sports Top Athletes, Guess Tennis Top Players

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The best games from AwesomeAppsLab

Soccer Players 14 Quiz Manager – guess the football stars and build top eleven fantasy team

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1tmTyCB

Zombie Frontier Killer (Games)

Zombie Frontier Killer 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Zombie Frontier Killer is a new IOS game! In 2020, T viruses spread all over the world. A large number of people are infected with viruses T and become zombies. You are one of the survivors. You are involved in the war against the zombies. Trap the zombies at the frontier before they can spread more viruses!

Zombie Frontier Killer Features:

- Exciting and wild sensation!

- Trap different kinds of zombies!

- Challenging system to prevent zombie spread!

- Smooth and easy controls!

- Lots of different frontier stages

- Satisfaction Garanteed!

Download the all exciting Zombie Frontier Killer today!

Zombie Frontier Killer

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1tmTumg

Imperial Inn and Suites (Travel)

Imperial Inn and Suites 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Travel

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Connect now with the Imperial Inn and Suites, a Port Arthur, TX hotel that welcomes your business. You can reach this property easier and quicker than ever before with the hotel’s app from BingoTravel Apps. It’s never been more convenient to reach this independent property than with this single property app. You can see hotel features, enticing amenities and look over helpful images anytime you like. Of course, direct booking is available now or when you want it with this app. Anytime you need it, it’s is here for you. To reach this hotel, simply download this app now.

Imperial Inn and Suites

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1tmTqD0

QuoteStacker (Business)

QuoteStacker 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


QuoteStacker is Awesomely Simple to collect competing prices and book home and auto service on the web, iPhone and Android.

Why QuoteStacker?

• Trusted professionals. QuoteStacker professionals are experienced, friendly, background-checked, and insured up to $1 million.

• Search providers in 200 US cities.

• Appointments are available 7 days per week, from 7 AM to 10 PM.

• Escrow-Backed guarantee. You have control on your escrow, and the providers do not get paid until your happy.

• Phone, email, Facebook, Twitter and Instant Chat customer service.

• When providers compete you win with competitive prices and great service.

With QuoteStacker for iOS, booking is simple. Just tell us what you need and when you need it, and pay securely right from your phone. If you want competitive pricing shop over 1 million providers

Let QuoteStacker take care of your home and auto service needs so you can get back to the things you love most!

QuoteStacker providers service the following services:


Air Conditioning & Heating

Carpet Cleaning

Duct Cleaning


Garage Door Services

Handyman Services




Painting & Staining Control



Window Cleaning


Auto Repair





By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1tmTnal

Nappy Thor (Games)

Nappy Thor 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


I have a dream. I'll be a supper man someday or NOW (in my dream)!.

- Touch left button to fly up.

- Touch right button to use thunder power.

- Try to destroy them all!

Nappy Thor

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1BPFrIs