miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

123 Numere și Oi (Education)

123 Numere și Oi 1.15.22

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Education

Price: Free, Version: 1.15.22 (iTunes)


În istoria omenirii cea mai de succes metodă pentru ațipit a fost număratul oilor. Apoi au apărut paturile pufoase pentru ațipit și matematica pentru numere. Noi ne-am gândit să dăm o nouă șansă oilor!

Cei mici vor învăța numerele de la 1 la 99, cum se citesc și se scriu precum și ordinea lor într-un joc distractiv chiar și pentru cei mofluzi! Acum avem 3 niveluri de distractie matematică la stană:

Imașul Delicios

Fiecare oiță are câte un meniu și fiecare fel de mâncare un anumit număr. Dar cine știe să citească și să le potrivească? Poate cei mici de la voi de acasă?

Căsuța de Ațipeală

Oițele nu vor sa doarmă până nu își găsesc perechea din vis. Cei mici vor memora numerele și le vor găsi perechea: micile behăitoare vor putea să doarmă liniștite.


Nici o poveste cu oi nu ar fi perfectă fără puțină transhumanță. Aici la noi micuțele patrupede și-au construit o catapultă ca să ajungă cât mai repede pe dealurile pline de iarbă proaspătă. Aici vor interveni cei mici pentru că transportatorul oieresc nu funcționează fără cunoștințe de matematică! Copiii vor ști să îl acționeze cu șiruri bine ticluite de numere crescătoare și descrescătoare.

Vă place jocul nostru? Dacă da, daţi-ne un rating!

Comentarii? Sugestii? Vă ascultăm!

Kidsopia oferă o gamă largă de jocuri distractive şi modalităţi creative de a învăţa copilul lucruri noi.

Platforma Kidsopia este perfectă pentru micuţii de 2 şi 3 ani, pentru copii de grădiniţă (de la 4 la 5 ani) şi pentru cei care abia acum încep şcoala (6 şi 7 ani), prezentându-le multe din ideile de bază şi noţiunile pe care un copil trebuie să le înţeleagă şi să le stăpânească corect.

Kidsopia este o platformă educaţională bazată pe studiul UNICEF: “Repere Fundamentale pentru Învăţarea Timpurie a Copilului de la Naştere până la 7 ani” (RFIDT).

Ne-am bazat pe exerciţiu şi practică ca fundament în procesul de învăţare al domeniilor precum ştiinţă (matematică, geometrie, fizică, chimie), biologie (corpul uman, animale, plante), artă (colorat, desenat, pictat), logică (puzzle-uri de imagini şi cuvinte), dezvoltarea emoţională (conştiinţa de sine, încrederea în sine, moduri de a face faţă şi a înţelege sentimentele).

Cu ajutorul platformei Kidsopia copilul va trece printr-un proces constând în 3 etape:

1. Acumularea şi înţelegerea noilor concepte.

2. Fundamentarea acestor noţiuni prin procesul de exersare.

3. Dezvoltarea capacităţii de a recunoaşte, asocia şi aplica aceste noi informaţii.

Scopul aplicaţiilor din Kidsopia este ca cei mici să înveţe într-o manieră relaxată, jucăuşă şi inteligentă conceptele expuse mai sus.

Mai multe detalii pe: www.kidsopia.ro

Limba: Româna (România, Moldova)

What's New

First version

123 Numere și Oi

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1ejeVjm

ГДЗ-Spotlight, Pro (Education)

ГДЗ-Spotlight, Pro 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Education

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


гдз - spotlight - небольшая подборка ответов на задания по английскому языку по популярному учебнику spotlight, версия без ограничения на встроенные покупки

ГДЗ-Spotlight, Pro

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1ejeSnA

Advanced Mobility Toshiba Mobile App (Business)

Advanced Mobility Toshiba Mobile App 1.0.1

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.1 (iTunes)


Advanced Mobility Mobile Medical Design App for Toshiba America Medical Systems.

Advanced Mobility Toshiba Mobile App

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1ejeS7e

eggs and seeds (Games)

eggs and seeds 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


This is the best and most exciting casual game! ! !

It will bring you a different game experience! ! !

New cute style graphics! Smooth game feelings! ! !

Vivid sound effect and realistic special effects! ! !

You will feel very excited and satisfied! ! !

Eggs and Seeds is a cute The leisure game. It has bright and colorful graphics, vigorous light and shade effects, and interesting and challenging gameplay! Funny background music and sound effects make millions of players dedicated into the game! This game is very easy to play: tap the screen of your phone to control the Eggs to move right and left and eat Seeds. In the game, The virus will make many troubles to stop your moving, which is the best time to challenge yourself!


Smooth game control

Vivid background music is in harmony with the game!

Add different game scenes and power-ups!

Share with friends!

eggs and seeds

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1ejeUMf

Koehler Landscape Construction (Business)

Koehler Landscape Construction

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: (iTunes)


Find our exclusive coupon offers, schedule service appointments, read our informative landscape blog, keep up to date with the latest weather, easy access to our contact information and website, see pictures of our latest projects.

Koehler Landscape Construction

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1ejeRQP

Who's On Now (Social Networking)

Who's On Now 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Social Networking

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


The world's FIRST instant connect search engine!

They say there is an app for everything……..what if you could find everything you need in ONE app?

In today’s fast paced word, time is money and when you want something you want it now

Welcome to Who’s On Now – the world's FIRST instant connect mobile search engine that allows you to search by keywords and instantly connect with people and businesses closest to you right now !

The Best Part- Who’s On Now allows you to connect and chat immediately with people you need to get in touch with right now!

For Example let’s say you need a plumber, last minute babysitter or simply looking for hockey lovers in any neighbourhood …..its as simple as searching for the keyword and just like that your search results will instantly show you all relevant users that are ON right now and closest to you !

We’ve also built a Who’s On Now Market place that connects buyers and sellers that are near each other!

"FREE for a limited time"

Who's On Now

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/Q4a8XG

My lovely coloring book (Games)

My lovely coloring book 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


‘My lovely coloring book’ is an app for children!

“Green Planet” company presents you and your children with a wonderful coloring book. You can flip through the pictures and choose one of the cute animals to color, and even create your own drawings!

The app’s palette provides a wide variety of colors and simple recognizable tools (pencil tool, bucket tool, eraser tool) to help every child discover creativity and inspiration!

You can also save your pictures to the hard drive and print them out later!

New pictures for coloring are constantly added to the app.

My lovely coloring book

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/Q4a8Xx

NBS İnsan Kaynakları (Catalogs)

NBS İnsan Kaynakları 2.3.3

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Catalogs

Price: Free, Version: 2.3.3 (iTunes)


NBS İnsan Kaynakları çalışan ve firma arasındaki bağın bütün hayatı etkileyebileceği ve "mutlu çalışan = başarılı firma" bilinciyle, bu ilkeye kendini adamış bir ekip tarafından oluşturuldu ve kurulduğu gün itibarıyla bu ilkeye sadık kalmak amacıyla çok çalıştı. Bugün dünya devlerine pek çok seviyede işe alım ve proje desteği veren, Türkiye'nin en geniş ve tecrübeli kadrosuyla çalışan danışmanlık şirketi oldu. Pek çok sektöre ve pozisyona hakim, kıdemli bir kadroyla, engin bilgisini, hem sektör ve pozisyonları kavramakta, hem de doğru, başarılı kişilere kısa sürede ulaşmakta müşterileri için avantaja çeviriyor.

Kurulduğu gün itibarıyla arttırarak sürdürdüğü stratejik iş ortaklıkları sayesinde ulusal/uluslar arası pazarda yenilik, strateji, bilgi ve adaya ulaşmakta hep önde yer alıyor.

NBS İnsan Kaynakları

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/Q4a6ir

CINV Risk Test (Medical)

CINV Risk Test 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Medical

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) continues to be a major concern in cancer treatment. In fact, despite advances in oncological therapies and supportive care, more than 50% of patients undergoing emetogenic chemotherapy still experienceacute and delayed CINV.

The immediate impact of CINV on Quality of Life (QoL) is obvious. Unfortunately, healthcare providers often underestimate the incidence of CINV in cancer patients and the importance of an effective management of this condition.

The risk of developing CINV depends upon patient- and treatment-related factors. Patient-related risk factors include age <50 years, female gender, low chronic alcohol intake, prior episodes of CINV, susceptibility to motion sickness, and anxiety. With respect to treatment-related risk factors, each chemotherapy agent has an intrinsic propensity to cause CINV, the intensity of which depends on the class and dose of drug administered.

The “CINV Risk Test”, available with this application, is an user-friendly tool which helps the correct evaluation of each patient’srelative risk of developing CINV. Some practical hints for the patients in managing nausea and vomiting are included in the tool.

CINV Risk Test

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1ejeOnY

A Monkey Lunch: Raining Bananas! (Games)

A Monkey Lunch: Raining Bananas! 1

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1 (iTunes)


**** No In App Purchases! ****

Don't let those banana's slip and become banana splits!


1) Slide the monkey side to side!

2) Don't miss a banana or it's time to split!

Games take minutes but the fun lasts for hours! Try it today!

A Monkey Lunch: Raining Bananas!

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/Q4a61T

Moyes Banner Game: Chosen One or Wrong One for ManUtd? (Games)

Moyes Banner Game: Chosen One or Wrong One for ManUtd? 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


A group of frustrating Manchester United fans have paid to fly a banner over Old Trafford asking "Moyes Out!". Now you can do the same in your iPhone or iPad - for FREE!

However you are not alone. In fact, Moyes-supporting fans decided to fight back and now the sky above Old Trafford are full of banners - "Moyes Out" or "Moyes In". As a fan, you must become ally to one of the two camps and help to shoot down the banners from the opposition camp!

In "Moyes Banner Game", you play as either a "Moyes Out" or "Moyes In" supporter. As the Jet fighters carrying banners appear in the sky, your task is to tap on the opposition jets to shoot them down. Be careful not to tap on your own ones - you want them all over the sky and you only have 3 chances to make mistakes (Allowing opposition's jet fighters to escape will also count against you!)

The game is fast paced, incredibly simple and extremely fun to play! As the speed of jet fighters increase, you really need to at your best to stay in the game as long as possible. After the game is over, you can share your achievements with your friends - and have a shout of "Moyes Out" or "Moyes In"!! Don't forget to check the LeaderBoard in Game Center and see how well you are doing!

If you are a Manchester United fans, this IS the game for you. Even if you are not, this game can help to share their fans' fun (and agony!) with you!

Special Note on In-App Purchase (IAP):

"Moyes Banner Game" is a free game and all game modes are available without any restriction. The game is supported by advertisements and if you do not want to see them, you can purchase the one-off "Remove Advertisement" feature within the game. There is no other IAP offered in the game.

Moyes Banner Game: Chosen One or Wrong One for ManUtd?

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/Q4a5Lp

Hexzzle 2048: Number Puzzle Game in Hexagons (Games)

Hexzzle 2048: Number Puzzle Game in Hexagons 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Another 2048 clone? No! Hexzzle 2048 brings the classic 2048-type game to a whole new level with FIVE ways to play! Forget the clones!

Inspired by the "2048" game from Gabriele Cirulli, "Hexzzle 2048" has a similar simplistic game play of which you swipe the tiles to match the numbers and ultimately create a tile of 2048. However, this is where the similarity ends...

Unlike the classic 2048 (and their clones) where you play the game on a rigid 4x4 square grid, "Hexzzle 2048" features a 19-tile hexagon based game board. You can now move the tiles in 6 different directions which gives you a lot more freedom on your strategy. With careful planning and a bit of luck, you can execute long chain of matches to turn a difficult situation in a winning position!

What makes "Hexzzle 2048" stand out from others is it supports FIVE(5) different game modes which provide very different challenges to players:

- Basic Mode: Normal game rules apply and you can freely execute your plan to get the ultimate 2048 tile.

- BasicPlus Mode: A more difficult challenge with an unmovable and unmatchable Stone tile in the middle of the board. It's hinderance will be more than you expected...

- Expert Mode: The black "X" tile which won't match with any number will appear from nowhere to thwart your plan. It will be very difficult (and you'd need a bit of luck) to get to 2048 and how far can you go before being overwhelmed by the dreaded "X" tile?

- Mystery Mode: Like a normal tile, the mysterious "?" tile has a number on it - but you won't know what is it until it's matched!

- Quick Mode: Got a minute only? Try to score as many points as you can in 30 swipes in a fast paced game play.

"Hexzzle 2048" features beautiful graphics, tranquillising music and crisp sound effects. Once you start the game, you will be fully immersed in a relaxing and fun game experience.

Don't just take our words, download "Hexzzle 2048" now and start a new journey to 2048!

Special Note on In-App Purchase (IAP):

Hexzzle 2048" is a free game and all game modes are available without any restriction. The game is supported by advertisements and if you do not want to see them, you can purchase the one-off "Remove Advertisement" feature within the game. There is no other IAP offered in the game.

Hexzzle 2048: Number Puzzle Game in Hexagons

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/Q4a5v1

Schafkopf Sheepshead Online (Games)

Schafkopf Sheepshead Online 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Schafkopf-Palace offers you Schafkopf (Sheepshead), the popular card game from Germany, with a unique multiplayer experience. Play for free against real opponents or with your friends from different social networks. Besides extensive league options the game offers custom tables with special rule sets, detailed statistics and much more.

We play according to the rules of the German Schafkopfschule e.V. Additionally we offer these custom rules:

- Short Deck

- Placements (Doubling)

- Hirsch

- Marriage

- Vulture

- Suit Wenz

- Begging

- Ramsch

- Cross Round

- Bockrounds

You may also want to visit http://ift.tt/1hp1FIM to meet other Schafkopf (Sheepshead) players or contact the developers.

Schafkopf Sheepshead Online

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1hrD1IW

USA Today Sports Weekly (Newsstand)

USA Today Sports Weekly 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Newsstand

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Sports Weekly provides game and event previews, analysis, features, personalities, opinion, polls and power rankings and more with a heavy emphasis on the NFL, Major League Baseball, fantasy and college football and basketball. You also get fantasy baseball and football player rankings, tips and strategies, plus our viewers guide so you don't miss any of the action.

USA Today Sports Weekly Pricing:

Single Issue Price - USD $2.99*

Subscription 6 Month - USD $17.99*

Subscription 3 month - USD $12.99*

Subscription 1 Year - USD $38.99*

* For non-US app stores, the equivalent currency charges will apply.Please note: App subscriptions do not include access to subscription-only content on our website.

Additional Subscription Information:

Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase

Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period

Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period, and identify the cost of the renewal

Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's Account Settings after purchase

No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during active subscription period

Privacy Policy - http://bit.ly/yxD8ox

Terms of Use - http://bit.ly/itggSu

USA Today Sports Weekly

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1hrD1sB

Art Business News (Newsstand)

Art Business News 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Newsstand

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


For the past 35 years Art Business News has provided comprehensive coverage of the art business and we are proud to offer our new digital version.

Art Business News magazine is read by more than 20,000 art industry professionals including artists, galleries, collectors and art aficionados from around the world.

Art Business News online has more than 35,000 readers including artists, galleries and industry leaders.

Art Business News is also aligned with some of the world’s most important art events—including Artexpo New York, the world’s largest fine art trade show, and Art Expo Miami – connecting with an additional 50,000 art industry insiders each year.

• Dive deeper into a story by opening related posts on our website, watching video or viewing photo galleries, and more.

• Connect with us by simply pressing a button to access our Twitter or Facebook page.

• Share any content from anywhere inside the app with your social networks: a magazine story, chart, or infographic; content from ArtBusinessNews.com; ads and content from advertisers’ Web sites, etc.

Using a simple two-finger tap, actual images of the content itself are “clipped” and can be sent directly to Facebook, Twitter, or via email or saved to your photo roll.

• Experience straightforward navigation and a completely integrated environment that allows you to move clearly through the latest issue of Art Business and ArtBusinessNews.com without ever leaving the app.

Art Business News Pricing:

Single Issue Price - USD $.99*

Subscription 1 month - USD $.99*

* For non-US app stores, the equivalent currency charges will apply.Please note: App subscriptions do not include access to subscription-only content on our website.

Additional Subscription Information:

Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase

Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period

Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period, and identify the cost of the renewal

Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's Account Settings after purchase

No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during active subscription period

Privacy Policy - http://bit.ly/yxD8ox

Terms of Use - http://bit.ly/itggSu

Art Business News

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1hrD1sw

Body Builder - Buns Of Steel (Games)

Body Builder - Buns Of Steel 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)



'It's Like Im Doing The Weight Lifting! Whatta Cool Game!'

'Before I Know It My Thumbs Have Muscles! Addicting Game!'

'Just When I Think This Is One Ridiculous Game! It Proved Me Wrong!'

'I Can't Stop Tapping For The Barbel To Be Up Longer!'


Body Builder is a very delightful game that involves weight lifting. In this game, you need to help our steadfast body builder workout and make sure that he can steady hold the barbel. You can do this by tapping the two barbels below. So this means you also need to steady tap when you want the bodybuilder hold the barbel longer!

Sounds super easy? Wait 'til you actually play it and prove that this game is very, very challenging! Body Buildeer is really one amazing game and keeps many people happy any time of day. The challenge of not being able to lift the barbel longer, can be frustrating! See how your friends perform online and try to beat them! JOIN THE BODY BUILDER COMMUNITY TODAY!


- Lift the heavy barbell as fast as you can

- FREE version supported by ads

- Super awesome graphics and motion

- Addicting and proven me concept

- Unlimited attempts to break your record

- Great sound effects and music

- Turn on/off music and sound effects

- Upgrade to ad-free version optional

- Available on iPhone and iPad

Body Builder - Buns Of Steel

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1itvC7l

Berlín guía Histórico Visita guiada a pie GPS HD (Travel)

Berlín guía Histórico Visita guiada a pie GPS HD 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Travel

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Berlín Histórico

El menú está en Inglés. El contenido de la aplicación se encuentra en la lengua del país en el que se ha registrado su ID de Apple. Por ejemplo, si se ha registrado en el iTunes App Store de España, obtendrá la aplicación en español. La Aplicación está disponible en otras 6 idiomas:Alemán, Inglés,francés. ruso, italiano y holandés.

La versión gratuita ofrece el mapa completo del Tour en versión Offline y la explicación detallada de un Punto de Interés (PDI). Al descargar la versión gratuita, se instalará la versión completa en su aparato. Así, para acceder al modo de Tour completo solo será preciso activar el botón "Upgrade" para así acceder al Tour completo.

Versión completa Tour alrededor de 2,5 horas - 3,9 kilometros

El City Tour-Navigator es una guía multimedia controlada por GPS que le llevará de un punto de interés (PDI) al siguiente. Cada PDI se muestra en el mapa de viaje una vez alcanzado el radio de frecuencia correspondiente (a unos 15 m de distancia del punto). Dentro del mismo y de forma automática, se reproducirá un vídeo de 1 a 4 minutos de duración. Los puntos rojos son los "puntos de parada", así que por favor permanezca en estos durante la explicación. Cuando termine la reproducción del video el City Tour Navigator le solicitará continuar con el tour.

* Excursión a pie sin conexión a internet

* Su guía Personal multimedia con voz

* Tour a pie mediante navegación GPS

* Mapa offline con los itinerarios del tour

* Menú en ingles

* Contenido en lengua española

* En cada zona de interés saldrá reproducido un video

* 26“ lugares de interés

* Comprar explicaciones del Tour en otros 6 idiomas

El inicio de la visita es Alexanderplatz

Algunos de los puntos principales del tour son:

- Alexanderplatz

- Fernsehturm Alexanderplatz

- Rotes Rathaus

- Nikolaiviertel

- Isla de los Museos

- Catedral de Berlín

- Altes Museum

- Antigua Galería Nacional

- Pergamon Museum

- Museo Histórico Alemán (armería)

- La Nueva Guardia De Schinkel

- Universidad Humboldt

- Forum Fridericianum (Federico el Grande)

- Unter Den Linden

- Opera estatal

- Bebelplatz (quema de libros 10 de mayo 1933)

- Gendarmenmarkt

- Friedrichstrasse

- Leipzigerstrasse

- Checkpoint Charlie (este)

Autor / Editor de CTN es Bernardus Steenbeek, el cual trabajó como guía turístico desde antes de la caída del Muro de Berlín.

La aplicación le llevará en un viaje a los lugares históricos de la ciudad de Berlín. La aplicación incluye varios clips de película de la historia del siglo pasado, y otros con vistas en pantalla dividida sobre el pasado y el Berlín de hoy. En el trayecto de un PDI al siguiente solo disfrutará de audios que se reproducirán automáticamente. Los distintos puntos de interés presentes en el mapa turístico se pueden reproducir manualmente tocando el PDI, para que puedan ver los videos desde su casa.

Existe la posibilidad de un aumento del consumo de la batería de su aparato electrónico mientras se use la aplicación con el uso continuo del modo GPS y la reproducción de videos. Es posible que la reproducción del tour gaste cerca del 60 a 80 por ciento de la batería. Si desea ahorrar en el consumo de la batería se le aconseja desconectar el GPS cuando no sea necesario su uso y volverlo a conectar cuando lo requiera. En caso de que desee realizar otro tour, por favor lleve su cargador consigo.

Visite nuestro sitio web, donde se puede encontrar más información sobre Berlin Apps: http://ift.tt/NdruAn

Berlín guía Histórico Visita guiada a pie GPS HD

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1iwojgg

Football Catch - Ultimate Pro Simulation (Games)

Football Catch - Ultimate Pro Simulation 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)



'Uncomplicated Game But Its Fixating, Been Playing For Hours!'

'Very Challenging Game! Never A Dull Moment With This Game!'

'Seriously, I Thought This Is Going To Lull Me To Sleep But I Was Dead Wrong!'

'Making The Football Drop Is Not As Easy As It Seems! Download Now!'


Football Catch is a game about testing your skills in concentration, so don't be deceived by its simplicity. When you want to find out how quick-quitted you are and gauge your strategic decision- making, then this game is necessary for you.

The rule of this game is very simple, make the football drop thru the spaces of the line as the line goes up. The game is over when you miss a space and the ball is squeezed on top. Your strategic decision-making comes in on when to get and grab the bonus objects scattered all over. These goodies can add points and lives to you.

Sounds like a kindergarten game, right? Wrong! Let's see how you do when the line goes faster.

The game play is really cool and people are getting really excited playing this. Create a friendly competition with your friends and beat their score through this game's online sharing interface. Download now and JOIN THE FOOTBALL CATCH COMMUNITY TODAY!


- Drop the football while getting the goodies.

- FREE version supported by ads

- Super awesome graphics and motion

- Addicting and proven me concept

- Unlimited attempts to break your record

- Great sound effects and music

- Turn on/off music and sound effects

- Upgrade to ad-free version optional

- Available on iPhone and iPad

Football Catch - Ultimate Pro Simulation

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1kqatSg

Javelin Masters (Games)

Javelin Masters 1.1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.1.0 (iTunes)


Maybe the most addicting game ever! Start playing now and learn together with your javelin thrower to become the Javelin Master!

The good old Track & Field gameplay has finally been reinvented on touch screen. Swipe your finger FAST back and forth between step buttons to run. Throw exactly at the right time for the best possible throw.


• The thrower learns from day to day when you train with him!

• Maybe the best possible Swipe UI for running!

• ... with customizable control positions!

• Coach to give you instructions and cheer you up

• Ultra cool throwing sounds :)

• Daily World Top

• Alltime Friend Top

• Intuitive throwing help

• 100% Free!!

If the game is not working correctly on your device correctly please send us email to support@sadetta.com.

Javelin Masters

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1kqatBG

Goofy Grapes and other Wacky Produce Ultra Bonanza Las Vegas Style Slot Machine (Games)

Goofy Grapes and other Wacky Produce Ultra Bonanza Las Vegas Style Slot Machine 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Goofy Grapes and other Wacky Produce Ultra Bonanza Las Vegas Style Slot Machine is an amusing Las Vegas style 5 reel slot machine that is easy to play and has lots of bonus features.

> Daily bonuses!

> Fun and entertaining wacky fruit theme!

> Up to 30 win lines!

> Bonus games and bonus spins!

> Auto spin feature!

> World high scores and Game Center integrations!


Goofy Grapes and other Wacky Produce Ultra Bonanza Las Vegas Style Slot Machine

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1hrxHp5

侯卫东官场笔记 - 前传 (Reference)

侯卫东官场笔记 - 前传 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Reference

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)










读完本书,官场对于您将不再是一个模糊、杂乱的概念,而是一张张清晰、熟悉的面孔;那些粉墨登场的芸芸百官,那些表情背后的心思,看似突如其来的话语,都在小说的跌宕起伏中,一一露出了他们的本来面目。 304位各级别官员:








侯卫东官场笔记 - 前传

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1hrxH8B

Guia das Favelas (Navigation)

Guia das Favelas 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Navigation

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Aplicativo que tem como principal objetivo ser um Guia das favelas do Rio de Janeiro.

Guia das Favelas

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1hrxFxi

El Ahorcado Duelo (Games)

El Ahorcado Duelo 1.7.2

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.7.2 (iTunes)


Reta a tus amig@s o a cualquier jugador a este juego clásico de “El ahorcado”.

Se juegan 4 rondas. En cada turno, tu oponente y tu recibiréis las mismas tres palabras para que las adivinéis.

Las categorías se seleccionan alternativamente, por lo que tienes la oportunidad de elegir una categoría en la que tengas mejores conocimientos que tu oponente.

* 10 000+ palabras añadidas hasta ahora *

* 22 categorías *

* Juega contra tus amig@s de Facebook *

* Agrega amig@s a tu lista *

* Puntuación de tus amig@s *

* Estadística general y puntuación global *

* Aprende nuevas palabras *

* Bueno contra el aburrimiento *

* Adivinanza de palabras *

* No es necesario darse de alta en Facebook *

El objetivo de esta aplicación de “El ahorcado” es divertirse, y como debe diferenciarse de las cientas de otras aplicaciones ya existentes, en esta puedes jugar contra tus amig@s.

Efectos secundarios agradables del juego:

- Mejora de la ortografía y el sentido cognitivo

- Ideal para aprender español

La aplicación “El Ahorcado Duelo” es un concurso de palabras y de acertijos, en la que tenéis que adivinar la máxima cantidad posible de palabras a partir de letras sueltas.

Tod@s seguro que conocéis este juego del colegio y sabéis lo bien que funciona contra el aburrimiento.

Vas a descubrir una versión mejorada y única de “El ahorcado” gracias a la innovadora posibilidad de batirte en duelo con tus amig@s.

Mejora tus conocimientos del español tanto en vocabulario como en ortografía jugando y divirtiéndote con tus amig@s.

Puedes jugar contra varios jugadores (amigo@).

En el menú de estadísticas puedes observar todos los datos relevantes de tus partidas finalizadas y compararlos con los de tus amig@s.

* Requisitos:

- conexión de internet

- buen humor

En caso de tener alguna pregunta, podéis contactar con nosotros enviándonos un mail a support@nextgeneration.de, o escribiéndonos en Facebook:


La aplicación de “El ahorcado” es gratuita y te sirve a ti y a tus amig@s para pasar un buen rato.

¡A pasarlo bien adivinando palabras!

El Ahorcado Duelo

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/Owt9Rr

FindRisc (Medical)

FindRisc 1.0

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Medical

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


The Diabetes risk calculator based on Scale Findrisc

Asks you or your patients to answer a few quick questions about, sex, weight, age, habits, and family history and other potential risk factors for prediatebes or type 2 diabetes.

Your results are reported as score indictating low or high risk for developing type 2 diabetes.


By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1lNi8dd

Streambox App (Photography)

Streambox App 3.0.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Photography

Price: Free, Version: 3.0.0 (iTunes)


The Streambox App equips individuals and video-centric organizations to stream and share professional quality video using only iPhone 5, 4S or iPad 2/3/4/Mini directly to a Streambox Media Player, Streambox Decoder, Enterprise Server or the Streambox Live Service. This mobile encoder allows users to take advantage of bonded 3G/4G LTE cellular networks and Wi-Fi to send up to 2 Mbps professional quality video with sub 2-second latency. Streambox exclusive reliable protocol LDMP maximizes reliable video transmission, allowing users to capture video at 720x400 resolution, up to 30 frames per second, with Advanced Audio Coding (AAC).

The Streambox App is equipped with advanced features for social media sharing via the Streambox Live Service. Users can easily share live and archived video with others via email, Facebook, or Twitter as a fast way to communicate and collaborate. The New Streambox Live Service allows users to create their own "Channel" to publish and share live video streams. Archived video can also be shared for others to view and select for playout on desktop or mobile devices. Live video will be published automatically on the user's "Channel" and can be shared using the channel's URL. For users with "Broadcast" and "Enterprise" level Streambox Live accounts, using the Streambox App in Advanced Mode allows users to select from presets or to create custom presets. Automated one-click streaming offers multiple presets to choose from, allowing non-technical users to easily operate the mobile encoder. In the event of a network loss, users will be able to record a high quality video file up to 2.0 Mbps for transmission at a later time.

Streambox App

By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1lNi5yb