martes, 16 de diciembre de 2014

My3 (Lifestyle)

My3 1.2.4

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Lifestyle

Price: Free, Version: 1.2.4 (iTunes)



The main features of the brand new My3 App:

- 透過全新“應用連結”功能,客戶可由My3 App開啟其他3香港之服務手機應用程式或網頁。使用部份應用程式或網頁須收取服務費用。如欲查詢詳細資料,請與3iChat服務大使聯絡。

As the new “Application link” feature, customer can open other 3HK’s mobile apps or web pages via My3 App. Some of the apps or web pages require payment of service fees. For details and enquiry, please contact 3iChat ambassador.

- 詳列還未下載的其他3香港服務之手機應用程式

List out other 3HK mobile app(s) which have yet been downloaded

- 查閱本地流動數據未入帳使用量

Check the “Unbilled local data usage”

- 查閱賬戶結餘及到期日,並附設“付款QR碼”以供客戶於3Shop或屈臣氏繳付賬單時使用

Check the bill account balance and payment deadline. Also, a “Payment QR code” is displayed for bill payment in 3Shop or Watsons’

- 提供熱門優惠及推廣、最新服務資料之連結

Provide hyperlinks of hot offers, promotion and service information

- 透過“推送通知” 提供最新之優惠及推廣、最新服務資料之提示

“Push notification” feature will proactively send you hot offers, promotion and service information

- 提供免費新聞頭條及本地天氣資訊

Provide free news headlines and local weather information


Terms and Conditions:

1. My3手機應用程式於香港所下載之內容,無須扣除本地流動數據用量;唯當透過“應用連結”功能開啟其他手機應用程式或網頁時,則按照客戶已申請之月費計劃扣除本地流動數據用量或收取本地流動數據費用。

Downing My3 App content in Hong Kong will not incur local data charges. However, for opening other apps or web pages via “Application link” feature, local data charges will be incurred by deducting customer’s service plan entitlement or charging local mobile data fee.

2. 接收“推送通知” 須扣除本地流動數據用量。如欲停止接收“推送通知”,客戶可於應用程式 “設定” 內關閉此功能。

Local data usage charge will be incurred upon receiving “Push notification”. To stop receiving “Push notification”, customer can turn off such feature in My3 App’s “Setting” session.

3. 客戶於漫遊使用數據時,使用My3手機應用程式、透過“應用連結”功能開啟其他手機應用程式或網頁及接收“推送通知”,須收取標準漫遊數據費用。

During roaming, if customer uses My3 App, opens other apps or web pages via “Application link” feature or receives “Push notification”, data usage will be incurred and charged at our standard roaming rate.

4. 如客戶已申請指定之增值服務,有關手機應用程式所產生的本地流動數據用量及費用可能被豁免,詳情請向各3Shop或iChat服務大使查詢。

If customer has subscribed certain value-added services, the related mobile app local data usage and charge may be waived. For detail, please visit 3Shop or contact our iChat ambassador for enquiry.

5. 免費新聞頭條及本地天氣資訊為第三方內容供應商提供,我們不能保證其資訊的真確性。

Free news headlines and local weather information are provided by third-party content providers. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of those information.

6. My3手機應用程式所顯示之“本地流動數據未入帳使用量”僅供參考,所有用量均以每月之月結單為準。

The “Unbilled local data usage” shown in My3 App is for reference only. For the actual usage, please refer to the monthly bill statement.

7. 透過“應用連結”功能由My3 App開啟並使用部份3香港之服務手機應用程式或網頁須收取服務費用。如欲查詢詳細資料,請與3iChat服務大使聯絡。

To open and use some of the 3HK’s mobile apps or web pages via the “Application link” feature of My3 App require payment of service fees. For details and enquiry, please contact 3iChat ambassador.

8. 本公司有權不時修改本服務的條款及細則。

3HK has the right to revise the terms and conditions of My3 App at any time without prior notice.


By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

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