domingo, 18 de mayo de 2014

G-code Viewer (Productivity)

G-code Viewer 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Productivity

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Open your G-code (CNC) drawings on the go! An indispensable tool for machining / metalworking industry professionals and CNC hobbyists.

CNC Viewer has intuitive multitouch controls, with the ability to smoothly zoom and pan around. You can trace the code with tapping on the CNC instruction in the instruction list or hold the arrow buttons to run the simulation forward or backward.

You can customize G-code viewer to adapt to your syntax in the settings screen. You can also switch between absolute and relative coordinate mode or change the font size for CNC code display.

We support code for almost all machines that use G-code, and if you need help, we will gladly help you with the configuration.

Unlock the full version to be able to open files from another applications (Mail, Dropbox, etc.), so you'll be able to evaluate customer requests from e-mail attachments without needing your computer.

To evaluate processing of your G-Code, use iTunes file sharing to copy files into the application.

G-code Viewer

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

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