domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

Spellbind (Games)

Spellbind 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Spellbind is a 2D point and click adventure game.

You are Luppe, a 16 years old boy and head of the biggest gang of street urchins in the town of Riathon. You consider yourself to be the ‘king of thieves’ and no one can doubt your stealth skills. One day, Ricko, your biggest rival and head of an enemy gang, challenges you in front of all your followers. This is something you cannot defy. You have to accept the challenge and successfully complete it for the sake of your name and your position. Ricko must not win! And what is the challenge? Enter the cellar of Lord Amatar’s house and steal his oldest, therefore the most expensive, bottle of wine. A challenge that sounds easy and possibly would be, if only the owner of house had been someone else. Hearing the name of the owner gives you goosebumps. But you are obliged to accept the challenge. Otherwise your name and your future as the “king of thieves” will be in danger.”

Spellbind emphasis on storytelling and puzzle solving rather than impressive visuals and is easily playable by experienced and inexperienced adventure games fans.


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