Bundle External Reader 1.25
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Business
Price: Free, Version: 1.25 (iTunes)
BER is the tool for webdesigners, marketeers, conference hosts and anybody else who wants to distribute valuable or private content based on files or urls - without producing an extra binary for the app store and waiting for review.
It scales and zooms according to the actual hardware.
BER renders your content as you specified it in the configuration files.
Consumers of your content might be conference and fair visitors, sales representatives of your enterprise or just you.
BER keeps your valuable content private.
Put informations in and out of BER via iTunes documents sharing or via a private LAN.
The content is supplied in form of a bundle that carries all data (texts, html, pdf, pictures) and configuration.
BER reads this bundle and renders it. Since the whole content came onto the device without internet it also can be viewed offline.
If a user has more than one content bundle (e.g. conference 2012 and 2013) in BER, the user can switch seamlessly between bundles.
The supplied factory bundle is also the self contained documentation.
Following common problems are solved with this app:
- no reasonable way to give users local html content downloads and store it the device : BER renders complete html hierarchies from storage
- turnaround time of the app review process is too long for your needs (conference program change has to be up next morning): In BER content changes are made in the bundle and distributed to the users via local LAN
- giving out a bunch of files with undescriptive filenames : BER renders your files, the bahaviour is the same as in Safari, but you can define a title page with with buttons and texts. All your files are presented in a hierarchical sturcture.
*** VPP options (e.g. custom factory, adfree) are made available on request.
The App is available for free, Ads should be bought out instead.
*** Developer Information
BER uses plists in the Documents Folder to control the appearance of UIViews. Most items are also Responders and push and pop other view controllers. Data in content views is also loaded from plists.
Data and configuration are bundeled and put into iTunes sharing folder.
Please work on a copy of ccbFactory.ccBundle since this bundle contains the documentation.
If you modify or delete the ccbFactory.ccBundle in accident delete it completely from iTunes Sharing Documents folder. It then will be reinstalled on next app launch.
Bundles must have .ccBundle as extension and the root plist must be named CCBDefaults.plist.
Bundle External Reader
By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://appshopper.com/business/bundle-external-reader
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