martes, 21 de octubre de 2014

Dubai Drive (Entertainment)

Dubai Drive 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Entertainment

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Dubai Drive is not just another racing game - in fact, it's a simulator! Enjoy super-realistic Dubai street views, and learn how to drive safely in the urban jungle. Experience real traffic scenarios and road situations in the comfort and safety of a virtual world - learn Dubai's traffic rules, and become a safer driver.

It's hard, but great views are guaranteed - from Floating Bridge and Creek Park right down to Sheikh Zayed Road and Burj Khalifa. You can drive in a selection of cars - from the commuter's sedan, to the cool super car.

And don't forget to use that indicator before changing lanes!

Dubai Drive

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Fonemixo (Education)

Fonemixo 1.0

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Education

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Talövningarna blir roliga med Fonemixo. "Detta är en app som absolut kan användas av logopeder som jobbar med språk och tal, men även av föräldrar och lärare som vill talträna med sina barn/elever." Johanna Kristensson på bloggen Logopeden i Skolan. Sagt om Fonemo (föregångare till Fonemixo).

Om du vill ha alla språkljuden på en gång kan du köpa appen Fonemixo Pro, där alla språkljuden ingår från början.

Fonemixo är ett verktyg för att hjälpa barn som behöver öva olika språkljud. Att säga orden högt är en del av övningarna. Du kan spela in barnets uttal med en mikrofon. En förälder, logoped, talpedagog eller lärare kan hjälpa till.

Träna språkljud med hjälp av memory och fri lek. Korten i Fonemixo har bilder som föreställer ord med aktuellt språkljud, till exempel sol, sandal och sten. Appen innehåller två spel. Det ena är ett klassiskt memoryspel där ni får para ihop kort och samtidigt säga högt vad ni ser på bilderna. I det andra kan ni leka fritt med korten och skapa egna berättelser eller kanske bara hitta på tok-roliga sammansatta ord.

Fonemixo passar barn från cirka tre år och uppåt. Det finns tre svårighetsnivåer vilket gör appen utmanande även för lite äldre barn. Fonemixo är lätt att lära sig. Barnet behöver inte vara läskunnigt eftersom spelen är baserade på bilder.

- Spela in och lyssna -

Med hjälp av en mikrofon kan du spela in barnets uttal och tillsammans kan ni lyssna på hur det låter. Uppspelningen sker automatiskt, men ni kan också trycka på en högtalare för att lyssna en gång till.

- Språkljuden -

Du kan välja att spela med olika språkljud, antingen ett enda eller blanda flera samtidigt. Det går att välja att spela med språkljudet i början, i mitten, i slutet eller blandat. I vissa fall finns inte språkljudet i alla tre positionerna. På lätt nivå förekommer språkljudet, om det är konsonant, bara tillsammans med vokal.

Språkljuden som ingår är:

● b, d, f, g, j, k, l, n, p, r, s, t, v

● ng, sj, tj

● rd, rn, rs, rt

- Memory -

I memoryspelet kan ni vara en eller två spelare, som sitter bredvid varandra eller mittemot. Att säga orden högt är en del av spelet. Om du undrar hur ett ord ska uttalas kan du få hjälp av en nalle. Peta nallen i magen så säger nallen vad kortet föreställer. Det går också att ställa in så att nallen säger ordet varje gång det vänds. Vill du se något kul? Peta nallen i magen innan du vänt första kortet.

- Lek fritt och skapa egna berättelser -

I det andra spelet får ni flytta runt korten hur ni vill. Med hjälp av bilderna kan ni hitta på en saga eller sammansatta ord. Det kan bli en berättelse full med s-ord eller knasiga sammansatta ord som get-hjälm. Det blir olika många kort på spelplanen baserat på svårighetsnivåerna. Vill ni ha nya kort är det bara att trycka på snurr-pilen (refresh). I vissa fall är urvalet begränsat.

- Vem kan öva -

● Barn som behöver öva på språkljud

● Föräldrar som vill öva tillsammans med sina barn

● Logopeder, pedagoger och specialpedagoger som vill ha ett hjälpmedel i sitt arbete

- Fonemixo är barnsäker -

Appen Fonemixo har köp inuti app men ingen reklam. Det finns föräldralås till köp inuti app och till hjälptexten där det finns länkar till webben.


● Lagrar inga ljudfiler i appen

● Överför ingen data om användaren

● Kräver inte att användaren delar personlig information

● Frågar inte efter födelsedata

● Samlar inte in och överför inte personlig information

- Fonemixo på olika språk -

Man kan spela Fonemixo på svenska eller norska. Byt språk genom att ändra inställningarna för iPaden. Antal språkljud kan variera på de olika språken.


By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

The Flying Animals (Games)

The Flying Animals 1.1

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.1 (iTunes)


There are animals flying. Player should catch all of them.

Not:some sound effects provided by

What's New

some performance problems were fixed. Name of game changed.

The Flying Animals

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Aces Classic Slots - 777 Vegas Machine Gamble Game Free (Games)

Aces Classic Slots - 777 Vegas Machine Gamble Game Free 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


This one is for you casino lovers! 

Welcome to this awesome Slots experience!

Here’s what you’ll get:

- Gorgeous retina graphics

- Fantastic bonuses

- Atmospheric sounds

- Premium Slots experience

- State of the art math/game design

- Auto play

- Gorgeous presentation and authentic sounds

- Game Center Leaderboards

Please note:

- This game is for entertainment purposes only!

- No real money or any other real world goods and/or services can be won in this game!

- This game does not reflect the actual game play of any casino, online or other electronic gaming machine.

- The payout percentages, odds, payout methods and other features on our for fun, entertainment only slots are higher/better/differente than slots machines in regular/online casinos.

- You should expect similar results 

Play responsibly!

Aces Classic Slots - 777 Vegas Machine Gamble Game Free

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

PhotoShrinker (Photography)

PhotoShrinker 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Photography

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Are you running out of space because of too many photos on your phone? Use PhotoShrinker to compress them and free up space to store more photos, apps, and music!

PhotoShrinker intelligently compresses and optimizes photos to only use about one-tenth of the space of the original photos, while the image quality will still look the same on your phone!

If you have thousands of photos taking up space on your phone, then download PhotoShrinker now to shrink them all!


By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

MRC Informes Online (Productivity)

MRC Informes Online 1.0.1

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Productivity

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.1 (iTunes)


Mr.Comanda Informes OnLine

Mr.Comanda Informes OnLine es una aplicación que te permite ver en línea la venta de tu local:

• Venta $ hoy, ayer, mes actual y mes anterior

• Comprobantes emitidos, $/comprobante, cubiertos

• Rancking de productos vendidos



MRC Informes Online

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

MPI Great Lakes Summit (Education)

MPI Great Lakes Summit 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Education

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


This is the official app for the 2014 MPI Great Lakes Summit, November 16-18. Here you will have access to everything you will need for the show: exhibitor information, interactive agenda, speakers, take selfies and also receive session alerts.

MPI Great Lakes Summit

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Paws of Distinction (Business)

Paws of Distinction 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Paws of Distinction is located in Beulah Park, South Australia. We provide a professional and caring dog grooming service, and deliver quality and superior grooms in a safe and happy environment. With over 10 years of professional dog grooming experience in all dog breeds, your pet is in safe hands and will be looking their best in no time. We cater for all dog sizes, from extra small to extra large. Our services include wash and brush, wash and tidy and wash and cliptrim all over. We hope to meet you and your pet soon.

Download our free App to read more about us, our services, and access related information. You can also make bookings or enquiries, browse our online shop, claim loyalty rewards, read and leave reviews, view image galleries, send us a pet photo for our galleries, track and attend our latest events of interest, and engage with our social media like Facebook, Twitter GooglePlus and Instagram.

Paws of Distinction

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Cadillac Magazine (Lifestyle)

Cadillac Magazine 1.0.0

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Lifestyle

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.0 (iTunes)


Cadillac Magazine is a lifestyle publication for bold, distinctive individuals who know what they want and go their own way. Designed to inspire you to embrace life’s journeys, this tablet magazine tells stories that celebrate success and innovation and introduces you to people you may not know, but should. Cadillac Magazine includes vehicle information and reviews, along with lifestyle content presented in fun and interactive ways for people who live a well-driven life.

Cadillac Magazine

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Hair Empire (Lifestyle)

Hair Empire 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Lifestyle

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Hair Empire is located in Wilson, Western Australia. Situated 15 minutes south of the Perth CBD, we offer a range of hair and beauty services to make you look and feel fabulous. Our goal is to deliver a truly different, affordable and luxurious hair and beauty experience. Our services include hair cutting and styling, foils, colouring, hair extensions, and a range of beauty services. All of our staff are highly trained and passionate about giving you the look you deserve. We hope to see you soon.

Download our free App to read more about us and our services. You can also make bookings or enquiries, claim loyalty rewards, read and leave reviews, view image galleries, send us a photo for recommendations, track and attend our latest events of interest, and engage with our social media like Facebook.

Hair Empire

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS



Device: iOS Universal

Category: Education

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


TOUR@ITE COLLEGE WEST is an app which allows visitors to navigate easily in ITE College West. This app also provides information on various facilities in the College.


By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Trade Rumors - Baseball, Football, Basketball News (Sports)

Trade Rumors - Baseball, Football, Basketball News 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Sports

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


When the major outlets aren't getting you breaking MLB, NFL, and NBA news fast enough, you need the Trade Rumors app! This is what actual GMs, players, and agents are using to get news first. Players often find out about their own trades first through us! You simply can't find anything else in the App Store that matches our standards of quality and timeliness in sports news.


- News feeds for MLB, NFL, and NBA are loaded by default using content from,, and Quickly scroll through left-to-right and tap on an image to read the article.

- Add news feeds for any combination of the 92 MLB, NFL, and NBA teams.

- Add news feeds for almost any player in these sports; thousands in all. This makes it easy to stay on top of your favorite players and trade/signing candidates as the rumors swirl.

- Filter any news feed to show only the top stories, if you prefer to see just the most crucial news. Reorder, add, or remove feeds based on whatever is most important to you.

- Click on an article in one of your news feeds and swipe through all the articles in the feed without going back to the home page.

- Share articles through Twitter, Facebook, email, and text messages, and more.

Trade Rumors - Baseball, Football, Basketball News

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Campus Flora (Education)

Campus Flora 1

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Education

Price: Free, Version: 1 (iTunes)


Campus Flora maps the locations of more than 1000 individual plants from over 40 families on campus grounds and provides a botanical description of each plant and information on its distribution. Campus Flora not only extends the teaching of botany from the classroom into the University of Sydney campus grounds but it enables us to share our learning resources with the broader community.

“Trails” highlight the important aspects of select plant groups and we have initially developed these to align with the current botanical curriculum. We encourage those using Campus Flora to provide us with feedback: each species page allows users to offer feedback, and we will use this to shape future versions and develop additional trails.

The project team acknowledges the support of the School of Biological Sciences and University grounds staff.

Project team: Rosanne Quinnell, Lachlan Pettit, Matthew Pye, Angela Pursey, Xiaolong Wang.

Campus Flora

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Pişti + (Games)

Pişti + 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Pişti (Pişpirik) Kart Oyunu

* Oyun uzunluğu ayarlanabilir.

* Kapalı kartları gösterme.

* Kart sesleri ve titreşim desteği.

* Facebook skor takibi.

Pişti +

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

كلام من ذهب : علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه (Reference)

كلام من ذهب : علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Reference

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


كلام من ذهب هي سلسلة من أقوال وحكم ومواعظ الصحابة الكرام والسلف الصالح

وهذا التطبيق يحوي على حكم ومواعظ علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه

ويمكنكم مشاركة تلك الحكم والمواعظ مع الآخرين عن طريق تويتر والفيسبوك والايميل والرسائل النصية

كما يمكنكم تحميل باقي السلسلة من الابستور

كلام من ذهب : علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Peace Bear Round Note (Lifestyle)

Peace Bear Round Note 1.0.9

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Lifestyle

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.9 (iTunes)


Round Note app for iPhone and iPad ( Universal App )

There are 3 types note. ( Text, Photo, Voice )

[ VIDEO ] iPhone

=== [ Number of each page ] ===

iPhone ( 3.5inch ) - 4 ( 2 x 2 ), 9 ( 3 x 3 ), 16 ( 4 x 4 )

iPhone ( 4inch ) - 4 ( 2 x 2 ), 12 ( 3 x 4 ), 20 ( 4 x 5 )

iPad - 9 ( 3 x 3 ), 16 ( 4 x 4 ), 25 ( 5 x 5 )

===== [ Application overview ] =====

1. Frame and badge can be pasting.

2. You can save a text and voice and photo.

3. Change of position is easy.

===== [ How to use ] =====

1. Page change

( 1 ) ( Next page ) - Flick-Left or Flick-Up

( 2 ) ( Previous page ) - Flick-Right or Flick-Down

( 3 ) Tap the page number in the toolbar [ next ] Tap the page number

2. Add

- Tap the button in the toolbar

3. Browse, Edit

- Tap on the note

4. Copy

- Tap on the note [ next ] Tap the copy button

5. Move

( 1 ) ( Different pages ) - Tap on the note [ next ] Tap the move button

( 2 ) ( Same page ) - Drag the note

6. Delete

- Tap on the note [ next ] Tap the delete button

7. Send ( e-mail, SMS ), Post ( Twitter, Facebook )

- Tap on the note

8. Caption edit

- Tap on the caption

9. Size change

Tap the information button in the toolbar [ next ] Tap the settings button

===== [ Feature ] =====

1. There are 3 types note.

( 1 ) Photo and Text note

( 2 ) Voice and Text note

( 3 ) Text note only

2. You can paste badges.

- Done, Shopping, e-mail, Twitter, Facebook, . . etc

3. You can paste frames

4. You can post to Twitter and Facebook

5. You can send by email and SMS

6. It is possible to change freely the position of note.

===== [ In App Purchases ] =====

1. 10 Pages Available

2. 20 Pages Available

3. Add 10 Pages ( 20 Pages Available )

Peace Bear Round Note

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Snake Game Lite (Games)

Snake Game Lite 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Welcome to the wonderful craft world of this super 3D game – Snake Game Lite. There are a lot of complicated riddles and challenges. Play with this little snake - help it to survive in this cruel pixel world!

Everybody knows funny games with snake since childhood, and this 3D arcade game will help you to refresh your oldschool memories. Play and feel like a child! Enjoy new levels and high-quality 3D graphics – old story of a snake is alive in a new design!

Snake Game Lite features:

• Amazing 3D graphics;

• Pixel design – explore the craft world;

• More levels and challenges for your fun.

Your goal is to eat apples and avoid walls and obstacles. More apples you eat – bigger you become, so be careful. If you bump into a wall or in a part of your own body, you’ll lose. Eat as many apples as possible, and score as many points as you can! Good luck!

Enjoy your day with Snake Game Lite – entertaining 3D adventure is starting right now! Get prepared for different missions and have fun!

Snake Game Lite

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Newest Fashion (Games)

Newest Fashion 1.0.2

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.2 (iTunes)


Autumn is coming, the weather gets a little cold and the autumn fashion show is held now. Tonight the girl is invited to the fashion show. She will meet her friends here, and she needs you help to dress her up with the newest fashion to become the focus of this fashion show.


- Beautiful girl to dress up with

- 100% FREE game NO LOCKED items or in-game purchases

- Hundreds of combinations of BEAUTIFUL clothes to play

- Add earrings, jewelries and accessories

Newest Fashion

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

GreedyOtter (Entertainment)

GreedyOtter 2.5

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Entertainment

Price: Free, Version: 2.5 (iTunes)


This game is developed for iPad users.

A big hungry otter is floating on the wavy ocean and hunting to for the fat fishes and delicious crabs. It throws the poisonous mushrooms into the water. The fish and crab will lose conscious when hit by the mushrooms and come to the surface of the ocean and caught by the otter. However the mushrooms have no effects to turtles and seahorses, they are resist to the mushroom poison and they like to swallow the mushrooms to disturb the otter's hunting plan.

This growing otter has a very good appetite and it has to catch 5 fishes and 2 crabs for one meal..

It depends on you now ....


By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Innpera Hotel (Travel)

Innpera Hotel 1.0.2

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Travel

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.2 (iTunes)


The Best of Business and Class at the Heart of Istanbul

There are plenty of city business hotels in Istanbul, Turkey, but only a few are at the level of class and comfort of Innpera Hotel Istanbul. By successfully combining exceptional boutique service with excellent meeting facilities, modern architecture, and high-quality accommodation, the 4-star hotel has remained a popular choice since 1964.

Innpera Hotel

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Amazing Dot : Connect Dot in 60 Seconds HD (Games)

Amazing Dot : Connect Dot in 60 Seconds HD 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Games

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


The task is simple; connect as many same-colored dots as you can in 60 seconds.

Get competitive by connecting Twitter and Facebook to see your friends' scores on the High Scores list.

JS entertainment 2014

Amazing Dot : Connect Dot in 60 Seconds HD

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Love at first Hiragana (Education)

Love at first Hiragana 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Education

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


This app is study Japanese “Hiragana” for around the world people

これは ひらがなを べんきょうする アプリケーション(APP)です

kore wa hiragana o bennkyo- suru app desu

Love at first Hiragana

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Whiplashstemmer (Books)

Whiplashstemmer 1.0

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Books

Price: Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)


Whiplashstemmer er en applikation, der giver indblik i livet med piskesmæld gennem fire personlige fortællinger.

Mona, Karl Henning, Kenneth og Anne Marie, der alle lever med piskesmæld, fortæller blandt andet om mistro, gener, arbejde, økonomi, sociale relationer, sex og fremtiden.

De fire personlige fortællinger suppleres med gode råd fra læge Natalia Nielsen og psykolog Ingrid Lund.

Applikationen er udgivet af PTU – Livet efter ulykken (, der er en forening for personer med alvorlige skader efter en ulykke eller sygdom.

Jakob Kehlet ( står bag lydproduktionen.


By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

Revo Mobile Lite Pad (Business)

Revo Mobile Lite Pad 1.0.1

Device: iOS iPad Only

Category: Business

Price: Free, Version: 1.0.1 (iTunes)


Revo Mobile Lite Pad is a iPad software for Real-time video surveillance.

The Key Features

Support up to 32 channels live preview in multi-windows

Drag & Drop channel and window

Support PTZ control

Support snapshot picture

Support to add channel to Favorites

Remote playback 4 channels

Revo Mobile Lite Pad

By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS

생물지기 (Books)

생물지기 1.1.2

Device: iOS Universal

Category: Books

Price: Free, Version: 1.1.2 (iTunes)


국립생물자원관은 미래의 소중한 자산인 생물자원을 발굴, 확보, 소장 및 관리하는 국내 최고의 연구기관입니다.

국립생물자원관에서는 다양한 전시, 교육 프로그램을 통해 생물자원의 중요성과 지속적인 보전의 필요성을 홍보하고 있으며

그 일환으로 연4회 계간 '생물지기' 소식지를 발간하고 있습니다.

자원관 누리집과 책자를 통해 볼 수 있었던 '생물지기'를 이제 스마트폰으로 보다 편리하게 만날 수 있습니다.

What's New

인트로 오류가 수정되었습니다.


By . Vía All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS