QVprep Lite Science Physics Grade 3 4 5 1.0.0
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Education
Price: Free,
Version: 1.0.0 (
Description:QVprep Lite Science Physics Grade 3 4 5
If you aim at becoming a doctor, engineer or taking any professional course, we are sure you will agree that a strong foundation in Science is the key to success. QVprep Lite Science Physics for Grade 3 4 5 will give you this strong foundation in Physical Sciences!!
QVprep Lite Science Physics Grade 3 4 5 for Third 3rd Fourth 4th Fifth 5th Grade - Learn Physics
Topics Covered in QVprep Lite Science Physics for Grade Three Four Five
[1] Measurements and Units - Link for app video - http://ift.tt/1m94u2o
[2] Our Universe - Link for app video - http://ift.tt/1iZkEZu
[3] Kinematics - Link for app video - http://ift.tt/1m94r6M
[4] Dynamics - Link for app video - http://ift.tt/1iZkDVv
[5] Momentum - Link for app video - http://ift.tt/1m94u2q
[6] Heat - Link for app video - http://ift.tt/1iZkDVx
[7] Work, Power and Energy - Link for app video - http://ift.tt/1m94u2s
[8] Sound - Link for app video - Link for app video - http://ift.tt/1iZkEZE
[9] Optics and Light - Link for app video - http://ift.tt/1m94rn4
[10] Magnetism - Link for app video - http://ift.tt/1iZkEZH
[11] Electricity - Link for app video - http://ift.tt/1m94uiI
[12] Fluid Pressure - Link for app video - http://ift.tt/1iZkDVF
[13] Modern Physics - Link for app video - http://ift.tt/1m94uiM
QVprep Lite Science Physics Grade 3 4 5 is ideal for
* Elementary School students in grade 3, 4, 5
* Schools
* Training Institutions
The app allows you to learn and review Elementary school level science (Physics) concepts in a very simple and user friendly manner. In the "Learn" mode of the app, you click on the "Concepts" button, review the "concept text" and then answer multiple choice questions related to the Physics concept that you just reviewed.
If you answer wrong, a detailed "answer explanation" will be displayed, which will reinforce learning. Proceed in this manner to complete a particular topic at your own pace.
Thus, by referring to the "Physics Concept text" and then answering multiple choice questions, your learning is faster and complete.
The QVprep Lite Science Physics for 3rd 4th 5th grade has limited content and allows you to buy the paid version.
In the "Test" mode, the app does not show the context text to help you. Instead, you use your learnings from the app and attempt multiple choice questions. Again, the app prompts you with detailed answer explanation in case you answer wrong. This proven process again reinforces learning.
With an exhaustive content on Grade 3, 4 and 5 level Science (Physics), we are sure you will be able to learn, review and excel in Physics.
The QVprep Lite Science Physics for 3rd 4th 5th grade has limited content and allows you to buy the paid version.
QVprep Lite Science Physics Grade 3 4 5 is useful for
* learning Physics concepts
* quick review of key terms and formulas
* Revision of concepts to have a strong foundation in Physical Sciences
PJP Consulting LLC
* Our mission is to develop educational apps for every subject, every country, every school and college so that today's modern technology like smart phones and tablets is used for education and learning of school, college and academic curriculum.
* This app is ideal for accelerated learning at your own pace, on the go.
QVprep Lite Science Physics Grade 3 4 5By . Vía AppShopper.com: All New Apps (Free) for iPad for iOS http://ift.tt/1m94rn6